🌙Chapter 32🌙 Saving Dust : Three Stolen Pure Hearts

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The five of us finally arrived at the Star group's castle. Wasted no time, I broke the damn door with my tentacles as we ran in. Just after we ran though the hallways, the four of the Star group member attacked us. But their attack was useless as the four of the fairies appeared and protected us.

Dream and Killer attacked the four of them. While attacking, Killer looked at me and the other two of my friends.

"We'll hold them here! You guys go find Dust!"


"It's okay! Cross, protect our king!"

Killer said to Cross. Cross then nodded, I sighed heavily.

"Hang on, okay! We'll be right back with Dust!"


Error, Cross and me ran through the hallways, leavung Dream and Killer fightimg the Star group. Ink was not here, I'm pretty sure that Ink is where Dust is. The basements. We ran to the basement as fast as we can.

The hallway was dark when we're inside the basement, only torches that lights up the way on the wall. Hang on, Dust.. we're almost there! I'll save you. We'll save you! Don't die before we save you!

Then suddenly, black liquids are coming after me. But, Error and Cross stood in front of me and made a big shield to prevent the black liquids. Once the liquids gone, three of us saw Ink walking slowly towards us.

Error summoned his strings from both his Pure Heart and eyes, Cross summoned both cloned knives from the human inside him and his Pure Heart. Ink holds his paintbrush as he's getting ready to attack us.


I looked at Cross.

"Leave Ink to us, you go and find Dust now."

"What? I-!"

"Cross right. We'll hold him here, you go now!"

"But, guys, I can't just leave-!"


Cross and Error looked at me and smiled.

"We won't die. So don't worry."

They said. They're right. They won't die. They will be alright. Dust too. I can't loose any of my important friends again. We had loose one and I won't loose anyone again. There's no time to be hesitated, Nightmare. I sighed and nodded at them. They smiled wider at me.

I took a deep breath and ran towards Ink. I swear I just saw Ink smiling for a second there but then he's back to be emotionless. Ink was caught off guard as I teleported behind him and kicked him out of the way to the wall. Error and Cross the stood in front of Ink.

I looked at them for a few while before I start running through the basement hallway. In the end of the hallway, there's a big doors with the sun signs on them. Sun signs.. Dream's sun sign on his cape?

I shook my head as I ran towards then as I kicked the door in case it's locked, but it's not. The doors opened, revealing an empty room. But, I saw Dust. On the wall. I widened my eyes as I saw his Pure Heart crystal and soul were in the middle of the room inside a floating medium-sized tube. And Dust was unconscious on the wall. His hands were chained, so does the rest of his body.

All of the chains also chained the tube where his Pure Heart crystal and soul was inside of it. The purple smoke or magic that came out of Dust's body and went to the tube are probably his life force. His strength are being drained to death. I ran towards Dust and called his name while shaking his body to wake up.

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