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Chapter seventeen

"Get on your knees!" A voice screamed. There were uniformed officers standing beside us. A young redhead stood alongside a pot bellied man with a crazy lazy eye. I could have probably taken the redhead. He wasn't much bigger than I was. But before I could even react, Glora shook her head no. "Do what the man says,'' she whispered. "Don't give me that look, I'm sure it won't be your first time on your knees Loquita."

Pot belly chuckled. "C'mon Ladies don't make me repeat ourselves. I guarantee you won't like me much If I do." His voice was sarcastic and cold.  His beady eyes shifted from me to Gloria.  He was definitely itching for a fight.

"Can you give an old lady a minute?" Gloria huffed, placing her bag down and slowly bending her knees.

The pot belly officer snatched her bag from the ground and shrugged. "You can never be too sure." He smiled as he removed its contents: one cigar, one lighter, one eco friendly recyclable bag, a pocket knife, a butcher's knife, a carving knife, a 12-pack of extra large condoms, a small mallet for pounding meat, and a syringe full of god knows what. The man kept going, each item got more extreme. Gloria was definitely ready for war. "Reynolds, make sure you search the other one. If she's anything like this one, you may be in for a surprise or two."

Reluctantly, I kneeled down and put my hands behind my back. A young redhead officer holstered his gun and fumbled around his utility belt. This would have been a perfect opportunity to rush him. If I could takedown redhead and get his gun, I was sure fat ass wouldn't stand a chance. I let my hands slowly fall to my side to help me balance myself. Gloria met my eyes and shook her head no. She gave me a hard stare that reminded me of the way my mother looked at me anytime we went to the supermarket. Bitch, don't do anything stupid it told me.

The young officer was surprisingly gentle. He moved my box braids to the side and spoke softly into my ear. "Lift your arms higher." It took everything in me not to spit in his pale ass face. He lowered himself to face me at eye level. His green eyes were practically begging me as if he genuinely didn't want to hurt me. "I know you're scared Miss, but everything will be fine. Just do what you're told and I'll take care of you."  My body relaxed a bit, but winced a little when he tightened the zip ties around my wrists."Good girl, I think I'll hold on to this for a while." He whispered  while slowly taking my pocket knife. Under different circumstances this would have been really hot. He placed my box braids back to their rightful place and signaled to me to stand. He quickly glanced into my fanny pack. "Congratulations." he whispered as he helped me to my feet.  He nodded to his partner. "Everything is all clear."

"We have two more." Pot belly breathed into a walkie-talkie.

"Great. Bring them to the west wing with the others." The voice on the other end was more confident, definitely the one in charge.

The two men led us down a brightly lit hall. Besides the faint smell of gunpowder residue everything felt completely normal. The hospital smelled, well like a hospital. There wasn't much out of place either. Ronald used his key card to open the double doors. I guess I wasn't moving fast enough because pot belly shoved the fuck out of me. The impact sent me straight to the ground.

"Don't push her like that." Redhead Ronald yelled helping me to my feet.

"I'll do what I want Rookie." Pot belly pushing Gloria along. "Don't tell me you have a thing for Chocolate drop over there. I wonder if she's sweet as she looks." He winked at me and I wanted to do nothing more the throw the fuck up.

"They're women...Possibly mothers, probably grandmothers." Reynolds voice was soft and compassionate. We turned left and continued walking to the next door.

"Not my mother, not my problem."  Pot belly said slapping my ass.

"Dude, what the fuck is your problem?" Reynolds began raising his voice.

"Your bleeding heart that's what. Grow some balls man, you don't even know that bitch." Potbelly snorted.

I started to ask who the fuck he was calling a bitch, but Gloria shot me another death stare.

The two men argued. So long they didn't realize the officer standing directly behind them.

"Stand down, Officers." The voice was calm and familiar. It was the same voice from the walkie talkie. Both men froze. "Yes sir." They said in unison.

"Return to your post. I'll take it from here."

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