The Tea!

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Chapter Two

When we reached our apartment, there was a notice reminding us about a vigil that's happening in a few nights. I snatched it off and crumpled it up as we went inside. Ava gave me a death stare as I shot it in the kitchen's trash can. "What?" I shrugged. "I made it in"

"That's not the point Kisha."

" It's not like we're going." 

"I know, but that's just so disrespectful, Kisha. People are losing their loved ones to this virus and you're not taking it seriously."  I instantly felt guilty. I completely forgot she lost her father to the virus.

"Well, if you want, we can go to this one. I have extra candles in my room." I also have a couple of bottles of Hennessy in my stash, we can sip and reminisce." I know Ava still dreams about the day the doctors pulled the cord on her comatose father. Her screams echos through the house in waves occasionally waking me and Miguel. To this day, she is convinced that on that day, she saw a flicker of life coming back to his eyes.

"No, I'm good. You know those events are a set up. Everyone that goes to vigils, protests, or riots are almost guaranteed to get infected. " Ava went into the kitchen and washed her hands. She took down two mugs. "We are gonna need some tea for this tea." I chuckled at black-ccent.

"Bitch you wasn't saying that during that riot at Target. You were all in the hair section looking for bleach. You should have taken two bottles because your roots are looking raggedy." I laughed as I went into my room to use the bathroom...I have my own personal bathroom attached to my bedroom. One of few perks of living in an old Bronx tenement. While in my room, I traded my jeans for a sports bra , cropped top, and spandex shorts.

"Look at you, sis!  Where did that cake come from?" Ava said, slapping my ass as I walked back into the kitchen. I twerked a little to give my booty extra jiggle.

"Unfortunately, it came with bigger boobs and belly fat." I exaggeratedly puffed out my stomach. It was pudgy, but hard.

"Girl, I know what you mean. I'm gaining weight too. Unfortunately, mine is going straight to my belly with no detours." She said handing me a mug full of chamomile tea.

"That's quarantine life though. All we do is eat and watch T.V." I said putting honey in my tea.

"Bitch stop lying, I'm sure you and Miguel are over there banging like bunnies, while my lonely ass is in my room making sandcastles." She said smugly, taking a sip of her tea. I could tell she was digging for information. It was cool, I was willing to give her all the tea.

"Actually Miguel and I are taking a break from sex to detox." I throw air quotes around the word detox because I couldn't understand it either. It was Miguel's idea. "And please stop with the dramatics. I know you have your occasional booty call because I hear him creep through the house when you think I'm asleep." I said watching Ava choke on her tea. "Also, I noticed there have been extra plates in the sink; random wine glasses laying around our living room, oh and I found condom wrappers in the kitchen trash can." Ava was speechless. From the look on her face, I could tell she was feeling guilty. " I'm not judging you, Ava. It sounds like New Bae is treating you well. But you have a bad history of being with men that take advantage of you.  just want to meet New Bae officially and make sure he's serious about you." Ava's pale skin turned red from embarrassment.

"Um, we're still trying to figure shit out. New Bae and I aren't serious yet. Honestly, we haven't really met up outside of our midnight rendezvous. The situation is complicated. He needs to figure out what he wants. And I need to figure out if he's even worth it. But that's enough about me and my drama..." She said snapping her fingers. "What did you do when you found out about Pizza Hut? I didn't hear any arguing last night. And I know you didn't kick him out. So what happened?"

"Bitch, I'm rooting for New Bae just like how your constantly rooting for Miguel. You need to stop rationalizing everything and let yourself be happy. Shit maybe we should let him move in with us." I let out a bitter laugh. "If you think I was going to kick Miguel out, you're crazy. He would have just enjoyed the night with his other  woman. I made his ass spend the night right there." I pointed to my room. We cuddled the whole night.

"Was he mad?" Ava sipped her tea.

"You know he was. He made every excuse to leave. But I was not having none of that. Nope, his ass slept beside me. And I made sure his ass was little spoon the whole night.  I wasn't about to be miserable and alone."

"You're such a bitch" She laughed. "But I understand; being alone and miserable can make you do some crazy shit. So what are you going to do now? And to think you planned on breaking our lease to move in with Miguel. So, how are you going to break up with him?"

I sat my cup on the table and made sure I looked her directly in the eyes as I spoke. "First things first, bitch, you might have been miserable and felt lonely, but you were never alone. I'm here and I've been here, right down the hall. You can come by and talk to me anytime. And secondly, I'm not sure if I'm going to leave him. "

"Sometimes down the hall can feel like a million miles away, Kisha. And how are you not sure? He cheated. He got caught. Case closed."

"Don't be such a drama queen. It's complicated Ava. These aren't just midnight rendezvous with  a guy I just met. I love him and we have plans for the future. These feelings won't just go away."

"I am not being a drama queen, I'm being a friend. There isn't anything complicated about your situation. love or not, you should just leave him"  Ava took a sip of her tea draining the entire cup.

"And how would you know what love is when you've never had it?" The words were harsher than I meant them to to be.  "Look Ava, instead of judging me, I need your support. I've made my mind. Miguel and I are talking about making a life together: moving in, having kids..." Ava held up her hand in protest. She was standing up now. Her cheeks looked like they were about to explode.

"I know more about love than you realize. Or you would know if you didn't make everything about you, ALL THE TIME. I can't imagine you with a kid. You're so self-absorbed that you couldn't even see what is happening right in front of you." 

"Ava, that's enough." 

"That's enough? You're talking to me like we're still in high school. I'm done with that. I've supported you then like I'm supporting you now, but where the fuck is my support. I moved here to NYC to be with you. My dad dies, I don't have anyone besides you and Sade (who never liked me), and then you' decide to leave me to be with a dude that doesn't even love you. Geez Kisha, We're not in high school anymore. You need to have some self-respect."

"You should be the last one talking about having self respect." I didn't want to hurt her. but couldn't stop myself. " Your dude doesn't even want to be seen with you in public.  New Bae's probably someone else's man. I wouldn't be surprised since you have a long history of that."

"At least my man wants me. Can you say the same about Miguel? I'm sure there's a good reason why he doesn't want to fuck you!"

"It's hard not to want something that's so easy to get," I snapped.

" To be honest Kisha, you don't even know how easy I am," She smirked. " And to think, I almost felt bad for you. Thanks for reminding me who you really are. It makes things a lot easier to start my new life without you."

"You can start practicing right now. I'm spending the night at Sade's house."

Ava placed her mug in the sink. "You do that, Kisha. Maybe she will validate your bullshit. She has always been you're little solider."

I don't know what I wanted to do more, pee or punch Ava in the face. 

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