Triage 1

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"It could be worse, Loquita." Gloria whispered as we were ushered out of the room.

"How so?" I asked, scanning the hallway. The rest of the nurses were further ahead of us. Whatever a code blue was, it was not a joke. Everyones' face looked serious.

"We could have been raped and beaten." Gloria said. There was no humor in her tone. She was serious. My mind went back to the condoms that she brought with her. Was that why she brought them? I couldn't help, but wonder what her past was like. Who was she before she became a wrinkled old prune.

"Geez thanks for clarifying that for me."  I didn't want to admit it, but she was right. I wouldn't put it past the pot bellied officer Jakes to try to force himself on me. The thought of him lifting up his belly to reveal his small mean was enough to make me throw up in my mouth. However, that extreme was less likely to happen with Reynolds and Powers around.

"A word of advice, Loquita. You need to be on your guard at all times. Men in power are like wolves..lobos.. They run in packs and they think alike. El que anda con lobos, a Sulla se Ensenada- He who walks with wolves is talk to howl. So watch Loquita. You don't want to get bit.."

"Right through these doors, Ladies." The feeling of cold steel being pressed against my back gave me goosebumps. "Hurry up and catch up with the others." This nameless guard poked me again. This was the 4th police uniform I've seen. I wonder how many others were there.

Triage 1 was in the part of the hospital that was  reserved for non-urgent care. I recognized the path we took. It's definitely where I used to get  prescription  plan B.. When this was over I vowed to take a few for the road.

Even though I've been in this section of the hospital many times, I barely recognized it.  Triage 1  was a complete madhouse.  Blood covered every surface of the walls and floor, There were even splatters on the ceiling. As we made our way throw the room, syringes and alcohol pads l crunched beneath our feet. I've never seen so many defibrillators lying around outside of PE class. "Watch your step ladies." The officer huffed as he kicked a blood stain hospital gown out of our way. Upon further inspection I realized there was still pieces of a torso rained in it. I tried my best not to react and break character. Hospital officials are used to these sorts of sights, right. Looking at Gloria calmed me down. Her face was blank but her eyes took note of everything. I bet she was taking inventory.

The back of Triage 1 was where the action was. Many police officers were gathered around one of their fallen comrades. Officer Reyolds was there too. He looked at me and nodded politely.

No matter how many compressions were given, the fallen officer was unresponsive.

"I need two volunteers to save this officer and friend."  Powers saided waiting for a volunteer that would never come. " In that case, I'll choose them myself." He pointed to plastic nurses and reluctantly stepped forward. " You too Altagarcia." We all looked around for Altagarcia  to step forward. It wasn't until Gloria nudged me and whispered "He's talking about you" did I understand how fucked I was. Damn can I catch a break.

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