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Chapter 20

This shouldn't be too hard, I thought to myself as the officer cut the zip ties from my hands. I obtained an CPR and first aid certification class in high school, so I knew the basic compression pumps and breath count. But I couldn't remember where to place my hands. Did they go below the ribs or above the belly button. Fuck, I was so screwed.

As I moved closer to the scene, I braced myself.There were about 6 staff total and each of them worked in teams of two people. "Don't worry." The big boobie nurse whispered. "Just follow my lead." Although she was being sincere, I still felt uneasy. Gloria watched wordlessly from the crowd behind Powers. Her facial expression was intense as if she was begging me not to do or say anything stupid.

"Team A rest, Team E will take over next round." Powers' voice was cold and firm.

Because of Virus medical professionals were forbidden from using direct mouth to mouth contact on patients. That meant I needed a breathing mask and pump. "Get the one Bag Valve on the right next to the scalpel. It's clean" She whispered. I picked it up, but my nervous fingers wouldn't let me open the plastic bag.

"Is there a problem Altagarcia?" Powers' smile was grim. He definitely was not asking out of concern. "No sir." The nurse took the scalpel, sliced open the bag and easily snapped together the pump and face mask. "Altagracia was going to give compressions, while I pump air."

"Don't explain, just do."

"Yes Sir." She said turning back to the scene. Team A looked sweaty and stank. They moved wordlessly out our way, but hovered in the area.

The victim was a short dark skin man with long braids. His tattooed chest was unmoving and his body was eerily cold. If he was alive, he definitely fooled me. I place my hands on his naval. "Chest." She breathed. I placed one hand on top of the other at the center of his chest and pumped thirty times. His body jerked a little due to the force, but was otherwise unresponsive. I pressed again and again, but nothing happened. "Again!" Bobbie nurse commanded. I obliged, pumping his chest with full force again and again and again. My tired arms felt like they were going to fall off.

"Team E rest. Team B back in."

The next team got in there. They decided to go with a defibrillator. Even though I was not a medical professional I knew this guy was not going to make it.

My team was up again for round two when the Powers finally called it quits. The room fell completely silent. I looked around, but not one soul met my eyes. I understood why Powers' men would be weepy eyes, but medical professionals had tears in their eyes. Did they know the victim personally? Who was he?

Powers' heavy utility belt rattled as he slowly paced and passed each team on the medical team. His face wore a mask-like expression but there was a glint of . "What happened today was a travesty. One of our own has fallen" He stopped walking and looked in my direction. "A dear colleague, friend, and brother of mine was taken before his time due to an act of negligence on the medical team."

My mouth gaped open. What was he talking about? The medical team worked relentlessly to revive that man. And in my opinion this man was dead long before my team even arrived. Powers walked closer, his voice was calm."The medical staff decided it more important to carry on private conversation than to revive one of my men. "

I was so wrapped up in my own thoughts that I didn't realize that Powers was an arm's length away from me. I tried to leave my face blank, but I couldn't. I was scared shitless. I noticed that although he was facing me, his eyes were fixed on the other nurse. "For a second time you have failed me."

Looking around no other nurse would meet my eyes except Gloria. She was silently pleadinging with me to shut the fuck up. I know I should have stayed quiet and let the big boobie nurse take the heat but I'm just built that way. I can't allow others to be alone and punished. It just wasn't right.

"Please don't take it out on them. It was all my fault. I ask for directives" I couldn't stop myself. I could feel Gloria's eyes begging with me to stop talking. But I couldn't let this nurse be punished because of me.

"Is that so, Altagarcia?" He rested his hand on his gun

"Well on this floor, there is only one leader who gives directives."

"I completely understand sir."

"I'm not sure you do, but I can change that." Powers looked me directly in the eye. "First Let me ask for some medical advice. He turned to the big boob nurse beside me. If someone has a tumor, Is it wiser to let it fester or should we cut it out completely?"

"Well medically speaking tumors don't fester they grow. It's uncontrollable cellular growth." I had to admit I totally mistook the big boobie nurse for a bimbo. Right now she's a total badass. She made Powers grunt in surprise.

Powers let out a dry laugh. "Altagracia your inspiring smart asses, I see. Sorry let me rephrase that question. If someone has a tumor, Is it wiser to let it grow or do we cut it out completely."

Big boobie "Well after we identify it as cancerous and are sure moving it will cause no harm to the body then removing it will be the best course of action."

"Yes, sir."

"Great. So you would agree with my plan of action. I'm going to remove a tumor."

Powers looked at the nearby officer. "Remove the medical from my sight. But leave the mouthy one." To my surprise I was allowed to leave with the rest of the staff. As I turned to go, the nurse gave me a quick embrace. When she pulled away, I felt the sharp poke of a metal object as it was quickly shoved in the front pocket of my flimsy fanny pack

She nodded to me and I knew exactly what it was.

And After that We Didn't TalkOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant