Sugar Daddy Material

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"I hope you two excuse Officer Jakes and Reynold. Reynolds is inexperienced and honestly there's no excuse for Jakes. He's just an asshole." The man talking was tall, gray, and sexy. He was definitely Sugar Daddy material. He introduced himself as Sergeant Powers.

"I'm incredibly sorry if I am inconveniencing you and your.." He looked at Gloria to finish the sentence.

"Mother." Gloria huffed from a few paces away.

"Grandmother." The word slipped at the same time as Gloria's. We were not smooth at all. I didn't dare look back but, I knew Gloria throwing ice cold stares at my back like sharp daggers.

Powers raised his eyebrow. "Lying already ladies? Maybe Jakes behavior wasn't unwarranted after all."

"We're not lying." She's my grandmother, but raised me as her own daughter when my own mother left me." I

"Where is this mother now?"

Again, Gloria and I blurted out a response at the same time." She's dead." I said.

"She left us." Gloria corrected.

"Because she's dead." I corrected Gloria's correction.

Gloria started a series of coughs. "Shut the fuck up Loca." She masked in between coughs.

"This old bag nagged her to death." I continued as if I didn't hear her. " My mother couldn't take it anymore. So in a way you can say Grandma Gloria over there killed her." Boy, If Gloria's stares could kill...

"Despite my good efforts to raise this nina-child, I can't change her nature. You see her father was beautiful but an idiot too. So, despite my good genes and influences, the girl here really can't help it."

"Really, Gloria." I scowled for a second.

"I completely understand. No family is perfect." His voice was monotonous. I couldn't tell if he bought our story.

"What about you? What brings you here?" I asked.

"Well like you, I have my share of family problems. But you two just need therapy... My problem is a bit more complex."

"So Altagracia, what is your preferred area of expertise."

"Excuse me?" My voice sounded more surprised than it should.

"That is your name, right. It's what is printed on the name tag on your scrubs."

Shit, shit, shit I thought to myself. What else is written on there? "Yes that is my name. It just sounds so funny. You know without a Spanish accent. Next time soften the R. It should sound soft and sweet like candy."

A smirked vanish as quickly as it appeared.. "Where did you say you worked?"

Yep he was definitely suspicious."pediatrics" it was the best guess.

Powers glanced back at my name tag and kept moving. "This way ladies. This will be your temporary quarters." He led us to the final corridor occasionally stopping to help Gloria's old ass catch up. She was acting older than usual. She limped her way down the corridor occasionally taking long breaths. One thing for sure, she was a great actress. Powers waited patiently and even let her catch her breath "Don't rush. Take your time." Powers' voice was so calm and normal. He was unreadable.

Gloria and Powers entered the room before me. Surprisingly, several nurses rushed towards her. "Are you okay Mrs De La Cruz?' they asked. Like ours, their hands were bound behind their backs. "I'm fine." She insisted. "My daughter and I are fine." She emphasized the word daughter hoping the other nurses would catch on. They didn't.

"Altagracia is here with you?" one nurse asked. She had the biggest fakest boobs I've ever seen. "I don't see her? "

"Me either?" Another Nurse continued. She was just as plastic as the first nurse. They must have transferred their brains to their boobs.

"What are you talking about? She's right there" A woman wearing a white coat and a perfectly symmetrical bob walked towards me. "Are you okay Altagarcia?" She touched her forehead to mine and whispered "it's okay I got you girl."

The other nurses finally caught on. "Sorry we didn't see you there. It must have been the braids. We almost didn't recognize you."

"It's okay." I smiled knowing damn well these dumb bitches could have gotten me killed.

"Interesting." Jakes said. "I was almost certain you girls were lying." He shrugged. His radio came to life: Sir, we have a problem in the triage. "If you will excuse me ladies I'll be right back.

"What the fuck!" Gloria whispered as we heard the door. "That caca you pulled back there could have gotten us both killed. You really need to learn how to shut up and let someone else lead."

"I should be saying that to you. I bet he saw straight through your fake ass disabled-Lady-help-me-bullshit. It didn't work on Jakes, Reynold, or Powers. Now if I only had more time with Reynold maybe I could have..."

"Listen to me, you shouldn't get too close to Reynolds either. That Puto doesn't feel right."

"And why not, he seems he isn't completely in sync with the others. He's definitely different; he's sweet and innocent looking like a puppy. "

"...because he's still a policia. A puppy is still a dog. Will you just trust me on this one; I cannot afford to die here."

"Wow if I didn't know any better I really would think she was your daughter. You and Altagarcia fought just like this." A dark skin women in a white lab coat spoke calmly.

"Do not compare her to my daughter, Altargarcia thought with her mind this ballaca-horny girl only thinks with her the thing between her legs."

"Says the one who brought condoms to the hospital?" I definitely didn't forget.

"I would say their for you, but we both know you don't use them."  Damn, Gloria is as cold as ice.
I opened my mouth, but closed it again. "Bitch." I said under my breath."

"Where is Altagarcia anyway?" The woman in the white coat looked uncomfortable.

"She's home. She just couldn't bear to leave Jasmine alone." Gloria said sternly. Her tone was a dark warning me to shut the fuck up. Little did she know, I actually wasn't going to say anything this time. It was not my place.

"You see I told you she didn't look like Altagracia" Boobie nurse spoke to the only male among us.

"Really I really just thought it was the braids that made her look different." He shrugged.

"My name is Doctor Han. I would shake your hand but..." The brown skin woman shrugged.

"How do you know Gloria and Altagracia?"

"We worked in the pediatric ward together. " The Doctor Han shrugged.

"Well, except Mrs De La Cruz. Due to her granddaughter's illness, Mrs De La Cruz became a frequent face. She even volunteers here from time to time. And what about you?" Dr. Han looked at me.

The nurses turned their gazes on me. "Well-" I hesitated because for once I didn't know what to say." Before I could continue the room door swung open. Men with guns came rushing in.

"To your feet ladies. Your presence is requested in Triage 1. We have a Code Blue."

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