Silence Is Golden

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Powers looked from Reynolds to me and vice versa. "Where did you two sneak off? "I could tell by his tone he was not a happy camper. Neither one of us opened our mouths. Instead, I fixed my face on Josephine. Her clothes were a little wrinkled, but still intact, not torn or full of bullet holes. Most of all, they did not look recently removed. Where were no sign of 'forced entry.' Which was a win in my book. However, upon further inspection Josephine's olive skin had a pink tint to it. Her eyes were bloodshot red and her neck had purple bruises on it. Something did happen to her.

As Powers began speaking again, he stepped further to the left to block my view of Josephine. "I can only imagine what you two were up to. From now on, no single nurse can be alone with one guard. These women are not to be trusted."

Moments like this silence is golden. I wasn't going to try to explain myself, defend Reynolds, call out to Josephine or anything else. #growth.

"May I ask why?" Reynolds asked cautiously.

"I think your action speaks to the reason quite well." Powers' voice was calm and leveled. "Most of you officers have dicks for brains. And like any weak willed dick, you will easily bend to the will of the first pussy that offers you a second glance and a good time." I felt so attacked. I wasn't offering anybody anything... I mean I was, but I abandoned that plan.

"Did something happen between you and that nurse?" Reynolds surprised us all by speaking up again.

"Well, you're quite the inquisitive one today?" Powers' voice held a hint of humor. His mask-like face slipped for a brief moment revealing anger. "Maybe I went in after the wrong tumor?" He looked directly at me and I immediately looked down. I didn't want to be pulled into that mess.

"That harlot tried to seduce the captain, but the captain turned her ass down. I probably wouldn't have you see the boobs on her... but then again captain is an honest man... and a married man. So he had to teach her a lesson." Potbellied Jakes inserted himself in the conversation. With all the tension I didn't even realize he stood to the left of Powers.

"Now Jakes, You of all people know I don't like others speaking on my behalf. I wouldn't want you, like Nurse Josephine, to choke on your words." That sadistic fuck must have strangled her to the point she needed to be resuscitated. That's why he needed to send out a code blue.

"Sorry, I just thought-"Jakes tried to explain, but Powers interrupted him.

"That's the problem. Lower ranking officers don't think, and you certainly don't question." That dagger was definitely for Reynolds. "Now I want you officers along with Reynolds to escort Josephine back inside and clean out the nurses' quarters, Get rid of the wrappers and uneaten food. Also, provide the nurses with bathroom breaks. We don't want them living in filth. Unlike them, we are not monsters." Powers began walking off. He stopped for a second to signal me and Jakes to follow him

Jakes and I followed behind Powers while maintaining a safe distance. It seems not even his men were immune to his wrath because I was sure Jakes was inches away from a well deserved punch in the face. He knew it too. Which is why he overcompensated by aggressively pushing me as we walked deeper into the hospital.

" I hope you're a night owl because you're going to be up until daybreak" Jakes whispered. I guess the job of night nurse entails me staying up all night. The thought worried me a bit, but Powers' display made it clear that I won't be subjected to 6-man gangbang. But that still begs the question what the fuck is a night nurse?

We took a left before right before the double doors of triage 1 and kept walking. The walls of the hospital became brighter and more colorful. We were definitely in the children's sector of the hospital. Toys alongside piles of paperwork were scattered all across the ward. There were syringes and half filled bottles too. Jakes kicked carts that held blood pressure machines out of our path and kept walking. One must be still working because there was a faint beeping throughout the ward.

" I hope you like babies," Jakes began again, this time he hit me on the back. I let the force send me tumbling to the ground. I instinctively picked up one of the half filled bottles of medication and dropped it into the front pocket of my scrubs. One of the perks of having your hands tied in front of you. Jakes didn't seem to notice. The hospital flickering lights hid my movements well.

As we walked towards our destination the beeping got louder and louder. We stopped at room107B of the children's ICU. "Powers will be waiting for you on the inside, Bubblebutt." Jakes pulled a blood stained rolling chair in front of the room. "I'll be out here. Moan a little if you need me." He slapped my ass one more time before cutting me loose. Every nerve in my body begged me to punch him in his face, but I resisted. "Send my regards to Chloe." Jakes' voice was finally serious. Who is Chloe I thought to myself.. My thoughts were answered when I entered the room. 

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