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Chapter fifteen

 I opened the pregnancy test that I acquired from yesterday's adventure at the bodega  and imagined Miguel was in the shower  with me sitting on the toilet while scolding me about wetting the bathroom floor. We'd both be nervous. To take my mind off the results, he'd take off his shirt and join me in the hot shower. The steam would make his straight black hair hair wave and eventually curl. I used to love watching soap suds slide down his long torso. It's hard to believe that his body was so muscular the last time I saw him. So much about him changed.

When I met Miguel, he was just a super skinny latino kid that was in over his head at the cafe across from Fordham University. He wore a cute green apron with a matching hair net. Even though he made a great frappe, it was his smile that kept me coming back. That, and the fact he kept shorting my change. That day, I tried to explain it to him, but he was so busy watching my braless breast bounce in my halter top that he didn't hear a word I said.

"You gave me the wrong change, again!" I said taking a sip from my frappe. I held out my hand to show him there was $2.65 missing. "This is the second time this week."

"Well maybe if he wasn't such a creep, he'd be able to your count change properly." Sade said practically emptying the sugar container form the counter  into her iced coffee.

"Guys, maybe we shouldn't be too hard on him." Ava said at the nearby counter. She was dipping her green tea bag into the small cup. "He's probably overwhelmed. It's not easy being a cashier."

"Maybe he should do his job instead of boob watching."  Sade said stirring vigorously.

"Well, maybe he's new and-" Ava was ready to go tit for tat with Sade before I interrupted them.

"Can I have more whipped cream please?" I said entertained. My girls were fighting over my nonsense and this shy, but cute guy, tried his best to avoid my eye contact. But at the end, I won. I took another sip of my drink and leaned over the counter. I was fully aware that I was risking a nip slip by exposing more cleavage, but I didn't care. "Down Girls. Maybe we should let our friend here speak for himself."

Miguel breathed deep and adjusted his apron. He was well aware there were three girls ready to tear his hear off, if he didn't say the right thing. "Hmmm maybe, I did it on purpose. Maybe I've been giving you bad service intentionally."

"Oh really." I raised my perfectly arched eyebrows. "Well, I wasn't expecting that. Please tell us more." I took another sip of my drink. Sade stepped to the left of me. She folded her arms and leaned on the counter. "Down girls, Why don't we let him explain himself?"

Miguel opened his mouth, but closed it for a second. He was probably choosing his words wisely.

"Maybe just maybe, I  wanted an excuse for you to keep coming back so that I could see you again." He looked me up and down and bit his lip. "You are very beautiful, mi amor."

There was a moment of silence. I glanced at Sade, she was quiet. Ava who eventually stood on my right side, was equally quiet. They both wore fighting back smiles. "What's wrong with your friends." Miguel asked, his voice was 100 times less confident.

"Nothing." I lied trying to spare his feelings.

"Don't lie mi amor, You know that shit was mad corny. ..With his Fake Rico Suave ass." Sade started laughing which set off a chain reaction. Ava laughed too. "That's not nice" she said in between snorts. Ava's snorts caused me to bust out laughing. The three of us laughed uncontrollably for about 3 minutes.

"Here, just take it." The register slammed shut with a loud thud as Miguel laid 5 dollars on the  counter. He was red with embarrassment. He avoided my eye contact after that.

Leaving the store, He didn't even look our way. "Don't feel bad, Kisha. He was a pervert." Sade said, taking my hand.

"And he's not even that good looking." Ava said. Sade and I looked at her like she was dumb.

"Okay."  Ava said "He was gorgeous but superficial. You seen the way he looked at Kisha. Guys like that are superficial and don't take women seriously. "

Sade squeezed my hand."They'd talk to any pretty face. They'd talk to your best friend if they could get away with it."

"Shit, they'd talk to you mama if they thought they could get away with it." Ava chimed in.

We walked out of that store hands interlocked. I should have taken the money and left, but I felt bad for Miguel. No one should ever have to feel like an outcast. I came back that very same night. I told the girls I was going on a quick store run.  I wore tie dye sweats and my box braids in a high ponytail. I didn't want to look too crazy, so I tied a head scarf around my edges. To sell my story, I did not bother to put on makeup or lashes .

"Hey," I said approaching the counter.

"Sorry we're closed." Miguel said counting the money in the register. His hair net was off and his dark hair fell to his shoulders. He looked up and paused. "What do you want?" His voice was flat and frank.

"Well, I just thought you should know you gave me the wrong change...again. This time you gave me extra."

"Keep it." He said placing the tens into its slot. "I wouldn't want to waste anymore of your time."

"Look, I'm also here to say sorry. The way we treated you was uncalled for and mean."

"You forgot rude." Miguel said continuing to place the one dollar bills in their slot. 

"Yes, that too"I said.

"And big headed." "Okay, now you're dragging it." I folded my arms. 

Miguel was trying to hide his smirk, but it didn't work. "No but seriously It's no big deal. I have thick skin. That's the perks of working in the service industry. We get used to abuse." His smile was contagious. Before I knew it, I was grinning like an idiot. "But if you really want my forgiveness you can bend over again, bat your long eyelashes, and say pretty please."

"You wish" I said picking up nearby napkins and tossing them at him.

"Hey, watch it. I have to clean this counter." He said closing the register. He grabbed a paper towel and began to clean the countertop. I took a piece as well and began to help.

"You don't have to."

"Since I'm making amends I might as well help you out. You're cute but not the most qualified."

He tossed a green apron at me and I gladly accepted it. Time flew by and we talked and laughed the rest of his shift. We talked about everything from his abusive dad and me being raised by a single mother despite having a million step dads. We stopped occasionally to engage in a water fight whenever the mood got too heavy.  At the ended we made a pact that we would make a family that would be 1000X more stable than the ones we grew up with. We sealed it with a a pinky swear and everything.

"I like you like this." He said unloosening the knot from the bottom apron.

"Like what?" I asked. The warmth from his hands sent shivers down my spine.

"Minimum make up and attitude.  You're so much easier to deal with." he said, spinning me around so that I faced him. "Normally I would have felt offended but I didn't." He was a very attractive guy who wanted the same things I dd. I was completely willing to compromise. The rest was history. I visited him every night that semester.


The pounding on the door became heavier and more pronounced. It was followed by a slew of Spanish curse words that were too fast for me to make out. "Loquita, save some water for the fishes."  Leave it to Gloria to mess up the small piece of mind I had. I wrapped my arms in a large yellow towel and picked up my underclothes. "Coming." I screamed. I almost the pregnancy test that I laid on the toilet seat. I glanced at it before shoving it back into my fanny pack. Two Stripes. I guess Gloria was right after all.

And After that We Didn't TalkOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora