Everything But Tea

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Chapter Fourteen

"You want me to help you break into a hospital and steal supplies. Gloria are you crazy?" I asked, putting another sugar cube in my ginger tea. My voice was loud, but did not sound as angry as I wanted it to sound. A feeling of intense nausea washed over me. I wanted to eat, sleep, pee, and throw up. Whatever Gloria gave me was still in my system.

I opened the cupboard and took down a cookie tin. It was filled with everything, but cookies. I sighed disappointedly. They weren't any pickles either, so settled on olives and the rice from last night.

Gloria didn't like me wandering around her kitchen, but she wasn't in the position to protest. Gloria needed me. She just watched me silently, while smoking a large cigar. "It's a quick job." Gloria said in between puffs.  She was tapping her well polished nails on the kitchen table. "My granddaughter, Jasmine, has sickle cell disease. Every so often she has a crisis and needs a blood transfusion. We sneak in, we grab some type O blood, and sneak out. It's simple. If these old bones were anything like they used to be, I would have done it on my own." She took a long draw of the cigar. 

"How do you know that's the case this time? How do you know that she needs a blood transfusion?" I asked, popping an olive into my mouth. It was nice and salty.

"Call it mother's intuition!" Gloria exhaled the smoke making a ring of O's. 

"But you're not her mother; you're her grandmother." I said, taking a sip of tea.

"And you're a Puta," She snapped. "Look, a mother knows these things. It's called mother's intuition."  Even though she was trying to remain calm, I could tell she was beginning to get flustered. She was beginning to tap the table louder.

"You can take your intuition and shove it, Gloria. I am not helping you." I was frank.

Gloria stood up and placed her hands on her hip. "Why wouldn't you?"

"You poisoned me, Gloria." I said. "My body is still feeling the effects from whatever it is that you gave me"

Gloria placed her hand to her chest and had the nerve to look offended. "Mija, I did not poison you. That's what wives do to husbands for insurance money. I drugged you, there's a difference."

"There is no difference." I shrugged.

"You are alive aren't you. If I poisoned you, you'd be in the ground sleeping with-"

"Your daughter." I knew that was a low blow and I regretted it instantly. Gloria's face turned cherry red. She got up and ashed her cigar in a nearby tray.

"I was going to say gusanos - worms. But, I understand why you don't trust me. And I don't blame you Kisha. But know this, I am not a killer and I would never intentionally hurt you or anyone else. If I'd known you were pregnant, I wouldn't have given you such a heavy dose."

I stared at her unblinkingly. "Excuse me?" I must have looked genuinely confused because Gloria casually repeated herself. She stopped mid sentence and took another sip of tea. "Loquita, you didn't know?"

"I am not pregnant." I blurted out. Though it would have made sense: the weight gain, weird cravings, frequent bathroom trips, and nausea.

Gloria's voice became more confident." Oh yes you are, Loquita. I have mother's intuition. That and I felt your stomach and breast while undressing you. They were hard as a rock."

"I don't believe you."

Gloria picked up her mug and smiled. "Well, there's only one way to find out."

"You fucking bitch" I said, when I realized she had me.

"Go take a shower; we'll leave this afternoon, Loquita." She sipped her tea and winked.

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