Part 20//Prep Begins

Start from the beginning

" then what are we going to do?" Hinata asked quietly.

"Well, I have a few things in mind. For starters, you and Shikamaru should get most of your training done with your clan. Let them know about the matches coming up. I'll fill your parents in about what I've been working with you guys, and then they can work on what they feel you all need for the exams." Her sensei responded.

Shikamaru nodded in understanding and agreement. Hinata nodded as well, although hers was more hesitant.

Naruto frowned. 'I wish I had clan that could help out with my training...does this mean I have no one to help me out?'

Anko, as if reading Naruto's mind, turned her attention towards the blonde. "Hey, Whiskers, don't get all sad and shit. I made some personal arrangements for you. I've got two of my real good friends to supervise your training. And believe me when I say this: they will get you training hard."

Naruto's frown turned into an excited grin. "Who are they? What kind of ninja are they?"

"You'll find out tomorrow! And believe me: they kick ass." Anko explained simply with a smirk.

"So Naruto trains with your friends and we train with our clan. Is that all the plans you have made?" Shikamaru asked.

"Well, not exactly. I'm still your sensei, so I'm going to pop in once a week or so on each of you. And when I come in, I'd like to give my own advice and maybe a scroll or two that could be helpful. Maybe a jutsu or some general strategy that can help you all." Anko answered as she rubbed the back of her head. "So yeah, you all are kind of doing your own thing with your trainers, but I'd still like to help out a little. Just not too much, because this is your own training and I feel it isn't in my place to get involved that much. Sorry again about that."

"We understand." Hinata told her.

"Yeah, yeah. No big deal Sensei!" Naruto told her with a smirk.

Anko smiled in response. Conversation ended as the group continued to eat their ramen as Naruto started to receive another bowl. Around thirty minutes passed before the group finished eating.

"Alright, so you all should enjoy the night. Shikamaru, Hinata, break the news to your family. I'll come by tomorrow and let them in on what I've trained you guys on. Naruto, I'll be over at your apartment tomorrow at 6:00 A.M and I'll take you over to your trainers."

"Gotcha!" Naruto exclaimed. "See you tomorrow Anko-sensei!"

"Bye!" Hinata and Shikamaru shouted.

The three genin hurried off in their own direction. Anko smiled as she watched her students walk off.

"They're good kids." Teuchi commented from the ramen stand.

"Damn right they are." Anko nodded in agreement. "Great shinobi too. Those three are going places in the future."

"I bet they are." The ramen chef chuckled as he pulled out a piece of paper. "Anyway, here's the bill for tonight Anko-san."

Anko took the bill and looked at the price. Her eyes widened and she dropped the piece of paper.

"...what the hell?" She gasped, her eyes focused on the price.

"This is the first you've treated Naruto to ramen, isn't it? Iruka-san and Hokage-sama reacted similarly their first time." Teuchi chuckled.

"...this...this is..." Anko's hands instinctively went to her head as she started to groan loudly.

'Naruto, what the FUCK? How do you eat this much ramen!?' Anko's mind was cursing her blonde student and crying for the money she was about to lose.

True Potential By DryBonesKingWhere stories live. Discover now