Chapter 20 ~Love, Layli~

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"Give it." I grit through my teeth. He cocks an eyebrow up before grinning and folding his arms. I have Iggy playing in my earphones and beg for it is playing. I feel like this song is appropriate for what is happening right now. He stands up slowly before pulling out one of my earphones and putting his lips to my ear making me nervous.

"I'm gonna make you beg for it." He whispers the lyrics to the song. It takes me a few minutes to realise he's implying that sexually and I gasp. Smiling at him sarcastically I move my lips to his ear he stands there waiting for me to say something. I start shouting the lyrics to only girl by Rihanna making his face go red in the process. I use this to my advantage when I grab his body and flinging his back to my chest and successfully twist his arm behind his back pinning it there with a tight hold. I use my other arm to wrap around his neck in a choke sort of hold. Even through I am shorter than him I stand on my tippy toes and put my lips next to his ear.

"I'm going to ask you again. Where. Is. My. Book?" I growl and I can sense him smirking so I pull his arm tighter, most likely hurting him more. What a sight this must be, the local slut holding one of the most popular guys in some retarded wrestling move, with one ear phone in and all over a book.

"Ow ok, ok. It's in my bag." He finally tells me making me smirk. I reluctantly let him go and he moves his shoulder in circles while I unzip his bag and get my book out. I slap him on the back of the head with my book and give him the finger before walking away like a boss, laughing at some of the guys surprised expressions.

Still got it.

"Ok I'm fed up." My mum steps in front of me blocking out the view of the television. I am currently lying on the couch in the lounge room in tracksuit pants and a singlet eating ice cream from a bowl.

"Hmm?" I look up at my mother who is standing with her hands on her hips, and I know from this stance, she means business.

"I'm sick of you moping around, getting fat. I haven't seen you go out with any of your friends for god knows how many weeks and I haven't seen you smile for even longer." She says throwing her hands up in the air. I get up in a sitting position on the couch and squint at her.

"What friends mum? Huh? I have no friends and therefore no reason to smile." I say lying back down the other way so I can see the tv. My mum moves to the side blocking my view once again and I groan.

"Do you mind?" I pause Keeping up with the Kardashians and look up at her face.

"Yes I do, we're going to clean up these rumours and make you smile again." She says confidently and I snort.

"And how are you going to do that?"

"I've set you up with a radio interview with an American station and the main one that you always listen to in your car." She smiles and my jaw drops.

"Are you serious? Mum I hate having attention drawn to me! This is going to be so bad I'm going to not know what to say or anything!"

"Layli come on, right now you're already having attention drawn to you so why not make it good attention?" She says sitting next to me. I sigh and rub my face.

"What if they find some way to twist the story and make me sound bad again?" I ask softly. She puts her arm over my shoulder and kisses my hair.

"They won't darling, I'll make sure of it." I smile at her before she walks away leaving me alone again. Clicking play I spoon another mouthful of ice cream into my mouth. This is going to be interesting.

The next morning I am driven with my mum and John to the local radio station by one of their drivers for my interview. As soon as we pull up, the first thing I notice is the massive crowd of people at the buildings entrance. Fans and paparazzi line the side walk and my eyes go wide. Wow, this feels so real right now. I've only ever had people comment about me online I've never actually witnessed it in person, although by the signs I'm guessing the majority of these people are here for my mum and John. I take deep breaths to try and calm the raging butterflies in my stomach as we begin to file out of the car. As we step out into the weak sunlight the crowd begins to cheer extremely loudly and I feel like I'm at some red carpet event rather than a radio interview. I walk towards the door following the big security man, my blue and white genie pants flowing around my legs. I paired them with a black crop top followed by a long black cardigan and sandals. My eyes scan the large crowd and I notice that not all of them are giving me hate filled glares.

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