7- "You look good today."

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Firecrackers were Pallavi's favorite toys.

She played with all of them every Diwali. Rockets were her favorite amongst them all. She looked forward to blast them every year. All was good until a problem known as 'air pollution' arrived and increased beyond measure. Why couldn't science come up with non polluted crackers?

And now she had to abandon her toys. It literally hurt her soul. So much that she lit every kind of cracker once and twice before bidding farewell to them. It was a difficult time for her.

Obviously she didn't upload pictures of her firing crackers, lest everyone would have screamed bloody murder of air. When she noticed Adhvik 'seeing' her WhatsApp status of her in a traditional attire, she wondered if he was admiring her. Wondered what he was doing right now. Did he like crackers? So many questions without answers. The only messages exchanged between them so far were Dhanteras and Diwali wishes.

It was safe to admit that she was missing him.

Not missing him in person per se. She was missing his attention. It was the first time a boy had paid attention to her and she had loved every moment of it until these stupid holidays. What if he changed his mind after that? What if she's no longer interesting to him? Or worse, what if he found a prospective bride for marriage? It could end everything for any something that possibly started.

Although if everything would have ended then I wouldn't be here writing this story. Pallavi didn't know that yet.

Now Pallavi convinced herself it was all for attention but by the second last day, she couldn't take it anymore. She messaged him.

'So when are you coming
to office?'

Logical and short. Pallavi was quite proud of herself. A few minutes ticked by until she could see the words Adhvik sir typing...

'When do you want
me to come?'

Pallavi blinked in surprise. This wasn't something she was expecting. It wasn't flirting per se but it was suggestive. She quickly replied.

'What will my response do
when you already booked
the tickets?'

'Quite true but even so,
what would be your
response? I want to hear it.'

Pallavi smiled and replied the obvious.

'Monday of course.'

'Bache ki jaan loge kya?
(Do you intend to take
this child's life or what?)'

'You, a child. Since when?'

'I'm not married so
psychologically I'm still
a child.'

'By that definition, I'm
a child too, although
sometimes the kids in the
park call me Aunty.
I hate that!'

Too funny!'

Now I won't jot down the rest of the conversation but that's how it went. Quite a friendly exchange with a hint of teasing in the background. Pallavi had now unlocked the achievement of what you can call- Their first chat.

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