41- "It wasn't Tulsi but Tulsa."

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It had been two months since Pallavi Khuranna last left Mansur Private Limited. It was the month of July.

And today was Pallavi's first interview post-resignation.

The company was yet another Korean manufacturing company called Zaltech. Like Mansur, Zaltech India also manufactured mobile phones for Xiaomi. What could be a more better revenge to Mansur than to join their competitor company.

“I've reached the company. Who do I have to meet now?” Pallavi asked on phone, addressing to none other than Adhvik.

You see, it was Adhvik Dhawan who had arranged this interview for Pallavi. He had personally contacted the HR of Zaltech to take her personal HR round. In fact, this was something he had been doing for past several weeks. Contacting HR and employees of different manufacturing companies and asking whether they had a vacancy or not. ‘It's the least I can do for you.’ he said.

After sharing the details, Adhvik asked once more, “You prepared for the interview, right?”

“I think so. I learnt about the processes that go on, the Pehs, the materials used... Whatever notes I had of Mansur... Gosh, I just hope he doesn't ask too many questions.” Pallavi panicked. If she didn't pass the interview, she would feel more guilty about it, especially when Adhvik took the trouble to arrange it for her.

“Relax. Being nervous isn't going to do shit. You did what you can, now just give it away. Don't worry about the consequences.”

“Yes, sir.” She replied teasingly. She walked towards the reception of the office seperated by a glass door with their logo on it. “Atleast the office looks better than Mansur... I mean the old Mansur office I know. Okay, gotta go.”

“All the best.”

“Thank you.”

After a strenuous amount of waiting, Pallavi met the manager of their R and D department and had a bizzare interaction. She exited the company and told Adhvik about it. The interview was a tough one where the manager didn't shy away from asking technical questions. He once asked to write down the format of all the pages in any document that was made. Beads of sweat formed her forehead when she began to jot down though she couldn't write them all. Kind of understandable since she was mainly in the charge of pehs and not documents back in Mansur. She answered all questions about pehs. Unfortunately, they didn't need a pehs person as they already had one.

Now the HR didn't agree to grant her a job as a engineer but he was still ready to hire her. As a trainee. Right from where she began in Mansur.

“In short, I'll get a salary of nine thousand rupees.”

“Bloody misers! What will a mere nine thousand bring? Even Mansur didn't give that. What will you do now?” Adhvik questioned.

“I'll discuss with my parents. Most probably I won't join. The office is far, plus the salary... Am I construction worker? I didn't study Btech to do a nine thousand rupees job.” She grumbled.

She never joined in the end.

Her second interview that followed weeks later was again a Korean company as well. She swore her love for K- dramas had something to do with it. Though Adhvik continued to give her offers, she found this opportunity on her own. The company name was Seiz and surprisingly it wasn't a manufacturing but more of a transportation and storage company.

Her interview lasted for forty minutes. Needless to say, it was even more bizzare and nerve racking than the last one. Though the handsome Korean strayed away from the technical questions, he pushed towards the scenario based ones. What would have happened if all the team's work was given to you in a day? How did you tackle your weaknesses? What was the evolution of your work? Etcetera, etcetera.

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