35 (Part 2)- "Bye Mansur."

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Deepali Khuranna was no stranger to Pallavi's life, especially if it was this hot and happening right now. And right now, Pallavi had updated her with the latest news of how they expressed their sequential attraction. That it was mutual all along. She could tell Pallavi was over the moon right now.

“But you omitted the part where you like him. What about that? What about you?” Deepali asked, already sensing her sister's annoyance as she glanced at her.

“That's not important right now. Perhaps some other time when it's right.”

Deepali raised a brow. “Are you sure about this, sis?”

Pallavi looked at Deepali like she offended her. “Are you trying to make me guilty? That I'm breaking a taboo by sleeping with a man before marriage.”

“No way! I have no issues with the hookup arrangement. People can do whatever they want. I just don't think it's made for someone like you. For us.”


“Remember how hurt you were during Valentine's? You have feelings for him while he doesn't and that itself makes this wrong. Why are you doing this anyway? Are you expecting him to fall for you?”

“No. I'm not expecting anything unlike last time when I expected too much. I know where my head is at.”

“Then why?”

Pallavi let out a dry laugh, her temper rising. “Why do people have foreplay and sex, Deepali. Isn't it obvious?! Even I have needs. I just want to experience and have fun, that's all. Is that so wrong?”

“No...” But then, Deepali shook her head, admitting the truth. “Yes, that's wrong. I don't think sex should be thrown away like that. It should have meaning. Meaning with the person you are doing with. There should be love first... Honestly, I'd have loved it if he would have asked you out on a cafe or a movie first but no, he selfishly went for sex.”

Pallavi pressed the bridge of her nose. She hated that they were having this conversation when she was so happy. “Yes, I admit I would have loved that, too but life isn't a fairytale. It's not going to grant your wishes in the way you want always. And Adhvik is not fictional protagonist. He has his flaws, I have them, too. Doesn't mean he's a bad person. He could be selfish but he's not forcing me into this. It's still my choice. If you're not okay with this, your problem. Not mine. Keep your thinking to yourself.”

“Don't talk like that to me when I'm just looking out for you. Fine, do whatever you want. Just don't come crying to me later on.” With that, Deepali began to walk away.

“You bet I won't!” Pallavi told, glaring behind her back. She knew Deepali was looking after her but it would have assuring if she had supported her instead. It took guts to do something you never did and having someone say ‘it's okay’ was a relief in itself.

If you were worried about Deepali and Pallavi going radio silent after this then no need to. They had another discussion after this, albeit a calm one. Deepali came to terms with it eventually. Pallavi wasn't a child anymore. She knew what she was doing and was aware of what she was going to get. Most of all, she was happy.

* * *

Pallavi and Adhvik talked to each other on phone once a day in the following  week. Sometimes it was her calling him while other times it was him. Back in office, things were gradually changing shape. Tiwari had already gotten a whiff about Adhvik resignation even though it wasn't made official yet. Word was that Sai was going to be in charge of the documents in place of Adhvik. Atleast until they didn't get another senior engineer. This didn't bode well with Tulsi who grumbled about it. No one wanted to work with a two- faced, boring nerd. Pallavi only had one solution for the ones in agony. “Just leave this shit company.”

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