26- "Let's talk about us."

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It was a new day, a new beginning for Pallavi. Despite succumbing to the bitter truth last night, she was certain the next day would turn out good no matter what. That she would stop cribbing over the past. That she deserved to smile as well.

It also had to do with the fun weekend Pallavi had with Aradhana. Besides the boy talk they had that night, the next day was theirs truly as they roamed around the market streets nearby eating, shopping, and eating all over again. The blue white top she put on today was an evidence of that.

The managers were missing during the afternoon, attending an important meeting. It was time for an idle chit- chat. Adhvik, Pallavi and Tulsi talked about trivial things until Tulsi left to talk to Rohan. Good riddance. Now she can talk alone with Adhvik.

Wait, what was she thinking? She shouldn't think like that anymore. Didn't she promise to let him go? She'd do just that.

She was about to go back to playing mobile games when Adhvik called her with a motion of his hand.

“I'm sure you're bored too, since there's no work or managers today. Let's play a game.” Adhvik suggested,

Come on, she just made a resolution, Adhvik. Don't suggest her something with a mischievous look like that.

“Fine, tell me.” Pallavi replied, sliding her chair to his cubicle. Ah, this girl is hopeless.

“Its more like a questionnaire. You see these people around you,” Adhvik waved his hand towards the people from their department. “You just need to tell their strengths and weaknesses.”

“Sounds cool. I'll go first,” Pallavi volunteered, not even hiding her excitement anymore.

“Fine, I'll pick the person then. Let's start with--” Adhvik paused moving his finger until it stopped at a nerd, “Sai.”

Pallavi snorted in disbelief. She was quick to point out his weakness but not strengths except for hardwork.

“Hmm, he can finish a glass of beer faster than anyone else here. He chugs down beer after beer, whiskey after whiskey. He has emptied seven glasses at one time.”

“And that's supposed to be a good thing? My liver hurts hearing this,” She frowned as another question came to mind. “How do you know that?”

“Believe it or not Sai and I were weekend drinkers once upon a time. We used to drink and hang out every weekend. Sometimes in his house, sometimes mine. We were good friends.”

“You guys have history. Sai mentioned about this, too.” Pallavi tittered getting mildly curious now. Adhvik and Sai being besties? She couldn't picture it at all. “It's like you were in a relationship with him and now he's your ex. What's your breakup story? Tell me, tell me!”

And so, Adhvik told her a story of a long time ago. At that time, he was just a year old at Mansur and was best friends with  Tarun from the same department. He was Adhvik's flatmate as well. Basically they were together 24/7.

Sometime later, a newbie by the name of Sai joined their department. There weren't as many employees back then. Naturally Sai befriended Adhvik and Tarun. They often hung out after office and drinking beer and whiskey every weekend at their room. Ugh, my liver coughed hearing this. Anyway, Adhvik admitted he loved working at Mansur back then. Life was good. Life was great.

One day, there was a mishap in the production assembly of the factory.  All three of them were partially responsible but Sai deliberately placed the blame on Adhvik and Tarun to Tiwari, successfully eliminating himself. Adhvik and Tarun were scolded in front of the production team managers. It was humiliating for them. This created a friction in Sai's friendship with the two of them. Tarun also began to despise Tiwari. A month later, Tarun was mercilessly fired for no reason. If that wasn't enough to add to Adhvik's miseries, then it became 40 days later when Tarun found another job in Delhi. Since it was far away from where he lived, he had to shift away to live closer to his office, leaving Adhvik in the company of his own. He was alone.

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