65- "They name this overrated transaction as love."

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The wait was so long that when Vineet finally finalized the date for their meeting, Pallavi was still skeptical. She was hoping for something to come up so that he would reject her once again. She was that pessimistic. It was only after they started searching for hotels that she realized it was happening. Her dry spell was potentially coming to an end.

However Vineet didn't make this easy for her. He would often come up with ludicrous demands that would throw her off. What demands, you ask? This author was too shy to tell. Although one of his decent demands was to meet her without wearing her underwear. Of course she denied because- one, it was her first time with him. Second, she couldn't possibly be comfortable travelling all the way to Delhi without her underwear. In addition, he made a bet for them to strip within ten minutes after entering the room. All of this was making her rethink her choices in men.

Eventually, it was the night before their meet. Naturally, Pallavi was hyperventilating. So much so that she was thinking of ditching the plan altogether but then she requested Vineet to call her.

Perhaps he sensed the nervousness in her voice or he read people minds. He sighed before speaking. "Now I know I make all these wild demands to you but don't take them seriously. I mostly do that to pull your leg, that's all."

"Seriously?" Pallavi asked to confirm.

"Yeah, I mean it. Just do what is comfortable for you only. If at any point you feel you don't want to do it, don't hesitate to tell me. Even if you tell me to stop right when I'm going inside you, I'll stop. We won't have sex then."

"Um, that is highly unlikely to happen."

"I know, I'm just saying in case. See, our motto is to have fun in our own ways tomorrow. So you don't need to do anything because you feel pressured to. Do it only because you want to. Sab chill hai."

Needless to say, Pallavi was at a loss of words after his surprised statement. It was like a huge chip off her shoulders. She suddenly felt liberated. Like she could finally be at an equal footing from him. "Thank you. Now I'm more confident about tomorrow. It will be a fun day."

"That's the intention." He then added teasingly. "Regardless, I'll definitely make you strip within ten minutes."


"With your consent, cutie. You'll see."

They talked for some more time before calling it a night. Pallavi was glad she called him. She was much more at ease now. She couldn't wait for tomorrow.

* * *

The next day.

After remaining indecisive about the hotels, they finalised on the one Vineet stayed at one time. The only problem was it's location in Greater Noida and cost. Who the hell charged three thousand for a day?

Pallavi took a cab towards the destination and was the first one to reach the hotel, despite being far away from her place. She took a look around. Dark wooden furniture, expensive paintings, intricate designed interior, exotic aroma- the place screamed luxurious. No wonder the price was hefty. Adhvik would have a heart attack if she ever brought him here. Vineet on the other hand, didn't mind such hotels. Was he actually loaded?

Vineet turned up twenty minutes later. As promised, he came with his black Honda bike. Just seeing him in his black jacket undoing his helmet made her giddy knowing she would be riding that bike later on. Yes, it was one of the requests she had put on him. He even ended up paying up for the room since Pallavi was short of money. She promised to pay him later on.

"That receptionist behaved as if he knew you," Pallavi voiced out what she noticed while they took the lift to the seventh floor.

"Because he does."

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