"Maybe we should be out there." I muttered. "Oh no, not you." Addy said. I looked at her. "You are about to have a baby." Addy added. Addy put her hands on my shoulders and I looked at her. "Easy Addy. I'm not going..." I stopped and stared at the man on the bed. His dark hair was a mess all over his face. There was so much movement from the peanut as I stared at the older man. "What happened?" I asked and Doc shrugged. "We found him like that, kid." Doc said and I touched his face. "Do you know anything?" Addy asked. I shook my head as I kept my eyes locked on him. "Please don't be--" There was so much pain, this isn't normal. Nothing is normal. My eyes were closing on themselves as they tunnels. "It hurts..." I muttered, feeling gravity pull me back. "Jean." I heard, but it was all gone on me now.


I ran past them, they were not far behind me. My foot kicking up rock and dust. I looked back as they ran like Zs more than humans. I turned my head back and just missed a tree. Pay attention Thomas. I have to keep going. There was an old pole in front of me. I ran faster and grabbed it. Using it to spin and land on the hood of some truck. I grabbed the tree in front of me and climbed up the branches. Jumping to the next tree and using mostly my feet to stay in the trees. I knew they were under me. I jumped once more and there wasn't another branch. I wrapped my arm around the tree and looked down at them. "I don't want to hurt you." I said down and they smiled. "You can't run." one said up to me. I looked around and the branches were too top and out of reach. I just stared down, waiting.

'Caw' I heard and saw a bird fly away. I rested my head on the brak of the tree as I sat there. They were trying to still get me. I'm never getting out of here. I looked up at the sky seeing endless clouds. I slowly looked down and stared at their faces. They hands were all up at me, trying to get at me. I raised my arms and stared at the marks left.

"That guy." George muttered. We all looked over at her. "That guy I let in. He was bleeding and I thought he needed help. He did, but he was here. He knew we all left this post." She added. "You let him in. You doomed up." Murphy said. He walked up to her and grabbed her shoulder roughly. "Enough." Warren said and we looked at her. Murphy let go of George and Warren walked up to her. "George, where is he?' Warren asked. George looked around. "There." George said and he ran off. "This was all a distraction." Addy said and she looked at me. "I know where he's going." I said and I jumped off the stairs. I landed on the hard ground and took off.

"10k." I heard, but I wasn't going to stop. I heard footsteps next me and I turned to see Addy. We turned and there was a hoard of them standing there. "He let them in." George said and I looked at her, "See where your 'good actions' do." Addy said to her and I raised my right arm. "I'm sorry, but I thought he needed help." George said. "Hey." I said, but they both didn't listen. "Oh, cause he was bleeding." Addy said, leaning on my arm. "He was dying and you would have done the same thing." George said and Addy tried to move at George. "Stop fighting." I said and they looked at me. The hoard of talkers turned to us and came at us. "We should run." George said. "Finally, something I can get behind." Addy muttered.

"Do we attack them or not?" Addy said and George looked at her. "Hector is gone, why are they still attacking?" I said, pulling out my knife. "They're still following the orders." The undead walking closer to us. "They're carrying out orders of war." George said, grabbing her knife. "They're enemies of Newmerica." George said. "Great, look out." Addy said, swinging her bat. "There's too many." George said. She took Addy's hand and Addy grabbed mine. We ran out of the crowd, only I was grabbed. "10k." Addy said, but George held her back. "There's too many." George said to her. "I'm not leaving him." Addy said, but George forced her as I was pulled away.


I slowly opened my eyes to see a bloody knife. Sun was holding it. Why is it bloody? Then the pain came. I tried to bend over in pain, but I was held down. "Hold her still." Sun said. Doc locked eyes with me then turned to Sun. "That's going to be harder to do that Doctor." Doc said. I blinked and looked over at Sun again. "Oh... Ok someone talk to her." Sun said and I looked up at the ceiling. "Jean, listen to voice. Listen to my voice, baby girl." I turned to face Warren. "She's moving more. I could knick her or the baby." Sun said. "Hey, hey. Baby girl. You'll be ok." Warren said and I stared at her. "You need to be still, baby girl. I know it hurts." Warren said. "I think she may be thinking about other things." George said and I looked over at her. "We need her to stop moving." Sun said.

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