Return to Mercy Labs

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"Hey, Warren! We've been walking south for two weeks now! Any idea where we're going yet?" I heard Murphy asking, yelling loudly. "Not since you asked me an hour ago!" Warren yelled back to him. "What was it like being in the Marines?" Tommy asked and I looked at Sarge. "I'm still a Marine. I reckon' I'll die as one." She said to us. There was a small pause as if she was thinking about weather or not to tell us. I stared at her for a moment, before I took hold of her hand. Sarge turned to look at me and I smiled at her. "It's ok, Sarge." I told her, before she let out a sigh. "They were my family. After they rescued me from my old family." Sarge said and I watched her face. "Gave me something to live for other than myself. Still does." Sarge said and I slowly nodded at her. Sarge brought her head up before I looked around the field. Something about this road, it's like I've walked it before. I run up to Warren and I quickly ran up the hill, running past Warren. I stared at the red building and stared. "No way." I muttered.

"Kid was is it?" I turned to face Doc. "Come see for yourself." I said back to them. I looked back at the building and stared. "Why am I not surprised?" Warren asked, I turned to see that she had run up the hill. "Oh, crap. Not this place again!" Murphy said as I kept watching the building. "What? What is it?" Sarge asked. "We've been here before." Tommy said back to her. I sighed as Warren walked down the hill and we all started to follow after her. We walked into the opening in the gate that was there last time. "Warren? Why the hell did you lead us back here?" Murphy asked and I looked up to see him on the stone. "I don't know. But I intend to find out." Warren said back to him. "I was afraid she was gonna say that." Doc said. "Look. I have one word for all of you: Kracken." Murphy said and I shook my head. Although I had no idea what he was talking about.

I stopped and stared at the long dead bodies rotting away. I looked around at the lab and sighed. "Hush little Lucy, don't say a word, daddy going to get you Zombie friend. And if that Zombie turned out bad, daddy going to get you Phytos Z. and if that Phytos z won't hear you, daddy gonna get you blaster gal. and if that blaster gal won't fight, daddy going to you a Zombie horde. And if that Zombie horde don't love you, daddy gonna get you mixed friend. And if that mixed friend doesn't love you, daddy going to make them anyway."-- "I know I've messed up in the past and even yesterday. There's not much that you'll believe, but I hope you'll believe this." she said to me before pulling me into her, holding me close to her. "I love you sis." she said to me. I smiled and hugged her back.--"He's not going anywhere." I said to The Man. "Get out of the way kid." he said to me. I stood my ground and looked up at him. "I won't ask again." The Man said to me. "Geneva, get over here." Murphy said and I turned to face him. I felt something hard hit my head and I fell to the ground.

"What in the holy heck happened here?" Sarge asked, pulling me back into percent apocalypse. I turned to face her and stared. "We tried to help some people. It didn't work out." Tommy said back to her. There was growling and I turned to see a Z with metal over its head. "Big ass Z, 3 o'clock!" Sarge yelled. "Kracken!" Murphy yelled before jumping out of the way. Sarge took a few shots at the Z, but nothing happened. "Save your bullets! He's mercy-proofed!" Doc yelled at her as he started to walk away. The Z run into the wall were Doc was and he started to laugh at it. "The damn thing's blind. He's got his helmet on backwards." Doc said, still laughing. "Hey, dumbass!" Doc yelled as he held up a red fabric. The Z turned and ran at him, before he moved out of the way. "OlÃ!"Dco yelled and started to laugh with him. "Hey!" Tommy yelled, banging a chain on some metal. I watched as the Z ran at him as he held the chain out. The Z trip on the chain and stayed down for a moment. "Stop playing with that Kracken!" Warren said and Doc stopped laughing. Warren throw something away and the Z when running after it. "Now let's suit up." Warren added.

I bent down, pushing some metal out of my way to put on the suits we throw off last time. I set my bag down and took off my jacket. I was going to shove it in my bag, but some wind blew past me, blowing something out of my bag and past me. I dropped my bag and quickly ran after it. I tried to grab it, but it was too high for me. I saw Murphy's cane handle hook enough to stop it. I stared for a moment as it hung around the cane in the wind. "That's my cane cave boy." I turned to see Tommy standing there, holding Murphy's cane and Murphy behind him looking pissed. Tommy quickly brought the cane down and Tommy held onto the paper. I smiled at him. "Thanks Tommy." I said, before he gave it to me. "Any idea what is it?" He asked me. "It flow out of my bag, it has to be imported right?" I said to him and he nodded. I stared down at the paper and sighed. "I thought I lost this." I muttered as I walked to the steps of the lab.

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