Home Sweet Zombie

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I jumped the the front and looked over at her. She smiled at me, but her eyes were going dull. "You have to run." she said to me. "I can't leave-" she cut me off by hugging me. "Don't do this." I said to her as it got harder to see her. "Run, life on. I love you sis." she said to me. She pushed me out of the car and screamed at the Z's. I ran off and looked over at her. I stared for a moment and I walked off. The truth was going to hurt and I knew I would have to... I ran back as the moonlight shone down. I know it's dangerous to be out here, but I had to. I started at her, but it wasn't her anymore. "I'm sorry I couldn't..." I stopped and ended it. I stared up at the moonlight for a moment. I pulled her out, breaking the dashboard off her, killing a few Z's away from me. I pulled her body out and walked down the road, down to where it all happened. I dug up the dirt and slowly dropped her into it. The dirt covered her and sat down on the ground, staring up at the sky. "Used to be so beautiful. You'd would have loved it sis." I muttered.

I opened my eyes as something moved. I stared at 10k for a moment, trying to remember what happened. "The... blanket... I was just... Sorry." he said to me. He got up, but I took his hand. He looked down at me as I sat up. "Don't let her hanting kill me." I muttered. He nodded at me as I let him go. I turned to see Cassandra standing there. Her eyes watched us. I slowly pulled myself back and she walked over to took couch. "Scared of that one." I heard Murphy say. "Best not to mess." Doc said as I walked over to them. "You know if..." Murphy started, before I cleared my throat. "Are you two playing poker?" I asked them. They looked at me for a moment as I sat down. "Has anyone ever told you that you have a feminine voice?" Murphy asked me. "Nope no one. Until you." I said to him. He smirked at me as they started again.

I watched them play, watching Murphy. "What? Why do you watch me?" he asked me. "Watching the cards." I said to him. I watched them closely for a moment. "I'll raise you." Murphy said. "What do you think kid, should I call or fold. I stared at Doc hand and over at Murphy for a moment. "Call him." I said to him. Doc did so and I waited. "Puppies and kittens! Time to go!' Warren yelled and I stood up, I grabbed my things, or tried too, "Come on kid." Doc said, grabbed my wrist, pulling me back. "Everybody out the back!" Warren yelled. I started to run, Doc ahead of me. I jumped in the truck, let out a sigh, watching the house grow smaller. "What's wrong?" Cassandra asked me. "I just left my-" " You mean these?" 10k asked handing me the binoculars, I smiled at him and took them from him. "Why are those so important to you?" Cassandra asked me. "There were my father's."I said to her. "Where you and-" "Nope." I said. "Carp." I heard.

"Addy and friends. You guys got to seek shelter immediately because this is bad. And when you seek shelter immediately and after you do that, you need to contact me and tell me where you are. And I'll update you with further instructions. Okay? All right, well this is Citizen Z, and I'm signing off." he said as I missed half of it, shows how much I can pay attention. Doc and Garnett were getting gas for a car, left. "So which way do we go?" Garnett said. "The storm is pushing north from the gulf. If we make it to the I-70, we can outrun it." Warren said. "That storm is going faster than that craptastic truck ever will." Doc said. "Yeah, we got to get off the road. You heard Citizen Z. We got to seek shelter." Garnett said. "There this thing with them." I muttered.

"What we need is to get the hell out of here. I ain't stopping just cuz some punk with a satellite says so." Warren said. "Okay, hang on. Am I missing something? You did not drag my ass this far so that mankind's hope could get sucked up by a tornado, did you?" Murphy asked and I rolled my eyes at him. I looked thru the window to see Mack and Addy talking, but I kept my lips shut. Doc put the gas in the back and took a seat with them. "You see it too?" Cassandra asked. I looked over at her for a moment. "The unspoken thing with Warren and Garnett." she said and I slowly nodded. "It been going on for weeks now." I muttered. "I hope they both see it soon." Cassandra said to me. "Yup, out here it hard to find that." I muttered. "Even harder to hold on to." she muttered. She stared at me for a moment, her eyes watching me closely. "What the hell are they talking about?" Doc asked from his seat. "Don't know." 10k said.

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