We Interrupt This Program

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I looked up ahead to see Jean and 10k talking to each other. Her arms were flying around and she didn't look happy at him. 10k didn't look so happy at her, they were fighting over something. I brought my hand up and everyone else stopped. "Why have we stopped?" Murphy asked and I pointed at the couple. We all watched for a moment as Jeans hands were still in the air. Whatever they were talking about, they were saying in they normal voices. They knew yelling wouldn't be go. "What do you think they're fighting about?" I asked. "I don't know, but it can't be good." Lieutenant Warren said back to me. "Man I don't think I've see Jean so angry before." Doc said. "I have." Murphy muttered and we all turned to face him. "I still wonder what has them so upset." Doc said as I looked back at the couple. "Something about pills." Murphy said and I turned to look at him. "How do you know that?" Lieutenant Warren asked him. Murphy shrugged at us as we all looked at him. "Lucky guess." He said, sounding more like a question. Doc gave him a fae before turning back to the couple.

"Why kind of pills?" I asked Murphy. "Well they better not be mine. I got some strong stuff." Doc said before we all looked over at him. "I don't think it's you stuff, Doc." Murphy said back to him. "Well mister genis, what kind of pills are they fighting about?" Doc asked Murphy. Murphy turned back to the couple and stared at them. "I don't know." Murphy said shortly. "Then how do you know they aren't talking about Doc's pills?" I asked Murphy. Murphy looked up at me, from his knees. "Have you meet those two?" He asked me, before turning back to them. "Maybe they're talking about pills they found." Doc said and Lieutenant Warren looked down at Murphy and Doc. "I don't think that's what they're talking about Doc." Lieutenant Warren said. Doc turned and looked up at her. "Then what type of pills are they talking about?" Dco asked. Lieutenant Warren sighed and looked down at him. "They're talking about-" "Heart Pills!" Murphy said loudly.

Lieutenant Warren grabbed him and we all hide behind the building we were spying behind. "Man, are you sure?" Doc asked Murphy as Lieutenant Warren let him go. Murphy nodded at him and we all looked at each other. "Why are they fighting about heart pills? That makes no sense." Lieutenant Warren said. "Maybe one of them has a heart condition." I said and they all looked at me. "Why wouldn't they have told us then?" Lieutenant Warren asked. "Maybe they don't want us to worry." Doc suggested. "We have enough worries, I could see keeping this to themselves." Murphy said.


I stopped a head of the group and stared down at the ground. "Looks like they jumped." I jumped and turned to face Tommy. I started to smile at him, letting out some laughter. "Don't do that." I said to him and he smiled back at me. I turned back to the ground and stared. "I wonder why they jumped?" I asked, before bending down to the bodies. I lifted the males arm and saw the bite. "Maybe they didn't jump, maybe they fell." Tommy said and I looked back up at him. "Wonder why they were up there in the first place. A lot of rooftop doors are locked." I pointed out. Tommy nodded at me as I looked back at the building. I dug into his pocket and found his wallet. I stood up and walked over to Tommy, still holding the wallet. I saw the photos in his wallet before they fell down. "They looked so happy in this photo." I said, holding it up. "But, look at this one." Tommy said, holding up the last one. It wasn't the same smile they had in the first one. "They look so Miserable." Tommy said. "One can only imagine how their last conversation when." I muttered, before looking back down at wallet. I bent back down and put the wallet back in the male's pocket. "Were those movies right? Were those people really eating each other? And why did you our only weapon on the door?" Tommy said, in what sounded like a woman's voice. I looked up at him and stood up.

"Well Ded, we needed to unlock the door and you don't have the damn key, did you?" I asked back at him. "All I'm saying is you didn't our alone weapon on the door." He said back to me, crossing his arms. "We had nothing else." I said back to him. "You don't have to yell at me." He said and I shook my head at him. "You're always yell at me women." I said back to him, throwing my hands in the air. Tommy crossed his arms as he stared at me. "You don't have to be so rude. Where is the man I married?" He asked before I step closer. "He's right here women. I swear to Go-oood- oh." I place my hand on my chest. "Jerry, Jerry. What is it, did you forget your heart pills? Cause if you did, you can go down there and get them." Tommy said, walking away from me. I turned to face him and sighed. "It's not my heart, I have my heart pills right here. God Deddy." I said to him. "God had nothing to do with it, you sinful man." Tommy said. I stared up at him and he looked down at me. "Just take one heart pills." He added. "Heart pills!" I heard Murphy say loudly and I turned to see the rest of the group hid behind a building.

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