The Murphy

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"You guys ok back there?" I heard as my head ached. "Doc? Can you move?" Warren voice asked. "Jean?" I heard. "Doc Wake up." I heard Warren yell. I felt something move and it had to be Doc. " I'm fine chief, beside my damn shoulder." I heard Doc say. "Jean, you young lady, open your eyes and wake up right now." I heard Warren say as I slowly moved my head an opened my eyes. I felt the truck move shake a bit as if someone got out. "Jean can you hear... 10k." Warren said loudly. I stared at Warren got out of the truck and crawled over to Doc. I closed my eyes as my head started throbbing again and just as it started it stopped, after doc was out. "Watch the shoulder." I heard Doc say. "Jean? Jean?" I slowly turned to face 10k and he looked relieved. I hit my seatbelt and landed my by back. "OW." I said as I started to get out of the truck. "Holy shit. Is that snow?" I heard Doc say. I stopped and stared at 10k as his dropped down to me. I slowly took it and he pulled me up.

My head lightly hit his chest. His hand came up to cheeks and I looked up at him. "What's wrong?" I asked staring into his eyes. I stared at him before I felt his lips on mine. I slowly moved my hands up and touched his head, ending my fingers into his hair. "Nah, that's not snow. That's ash. Radioactive fallout." I heard Warren. "10k, Jean? Oh..." Warren stopped and we looked over at her. "Well Murphy was right." Doc said and I looked over at him. "Damn, I own his ten bucks." He went on as I rolled my eyes. "Doc." Warren said and he turned head to face Warren as she held him up. "We should find something to cover ourselves." Warren said to us and we started to look around.

We've been walked for some time as the ash fell around us. And new the ash had stopped as we were beginning to as well. 10k was helping Doc as Warren and I walked ahead of them. We were walking up a hill as I heard groaning. I turned to see Doc, he was sliping from 10k grip. Warren stopped and gripped Doc's arm. "Okay. Let's get you over here." Warren said. Doc was slowly set down and 10k pull his foot on the metal fence Doc sat on. "What is it?" Warren asked as I walked closer to them. "The bleeding stopped, but..." "Just go. Find me a hole to crawl in. Leave me a weapon and some ammo." Doc said interrupting 10k. I stared at Doc as he was in pain, he was looking at Warren. "Hey. Nobody's leaving you here to die." Warren said to him before looking down. "Here, take the last of the water. Go on. Pretty weak myself. We wait here too long, we might be too weak to go look for help. I've only got a day in me without water, if that." Warren said to us, looking at Doc. "Well I don't think I'm going anywhere, Chief." Doc said back to her. "You two, you stay here with Doc. I'm going to see if I can find food or help while I still got the strength. If I'm not back in 48 hours, you're on your own." Warren said and I stared at her. "Good luck." 10k said to her. "Thanks." Warren said and walked off. I watched her walk off before she was gone.

I just watched the path as the wind blow my hair. There wasn't a sound or anything not ever a Z right now. "Hey kid?" Doc said and I turned to face him. "How long are you going to stand there?" he asked me. I just shrugged at him as he stared up at me. I looked down at the ground and let out a sigh. I took a breath in and looked back the way we came. "He shouldn't have done that." I muttered. " Sent off the fault safe?" Doc asked me. "No, he shouldn't have bit Cassandra." I muttered. "Why, she got to life." Doc said to me. "But now she's a slave." I said turning to them. The both stared at me as the wind blow again. " You weren't there that day. He played with them and now..." I stopped and took a breath. "She wouldn't want that." I muttered.

"Kid, she's gone. She doesn't have to suffer anymore." Doc said to me as I turned to face him. I slowly nodded and looked up at the sky at the dark clouds. I closed my eyes and let the wind blow my hair, head tilted back, arms out. The cool air felt nice to the touch of skin. I slowly opened my eyes and stared up at the sky. "Maybe finding her wouldn't be the worse thing." I muttered. "Your sister?" Doc asked me. I looked back at them and nodded. " You were so set on leaving her the other day." Doc said. "You beat the truck silly." 10k said to me. " I know. "I said. "And she left you in a burning car. To turn. Do you really want to find that family?" Doc asked me. I let a small smile grow on my face at Doc's words. "She didn't leave the car I mean." I said to them slowly. "What?" 10k asked. "You remembered?" Doc asked me. "Sort of." I said to them. "well , don't leave up in the dark, kid. Tell us." Doc said to me.

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