Chapter 37

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I'm left alone in Miles's room, the same room he took me to the last time I was tipsy. I take off my dress slowly after pulling the thick dark curtains over the window. 

The black shirt smells exactly like Miles as I put it on me, it hangs a little above my knees. The bed is too big for one person and so is this whole house. 

As I close my eyes I hear a purring and meowing. I open my eyes quickly only to see a small black cat walking towards me. 

I smile before petting the cat and bringing it closer to me. My mind is filled with black cats and hazel eyes before I finally fall asleep.

I HEAR MEOWING yet again and this time I wake up. My eyes still feel tired and I glance at the small box-shaped alarm clock next to Miles's bed; Six am.

 I step out of the bed with the kitten still in my hands. I glance over the room trying to find my dress but everything looks different and my dress isn't there anymore, neither are my heels. Everything is neatly tucked away. 

I debate whether or not I should open up Miles's closet but the thought of hearing another comment that will only strike the healing wounds makes me re-think my decision.

 The kitten purrs and warms my heart at the same time. I slowly open the door, hoping not to bump into Miles when I'm like this.

 As I walk down the stairs slowly I hear rattling as if someone's cleaning the area but as I step down the last step I don't see anyone. Miles is lying on the couch shirtless, his black sweatpants are hanging a little low and I can see the sculpted 'V' right below his abdomen.

 His tattoos stick right to his body like sculpted art made just for his muscles. I walk past the couch slowly and into the kitchen, I'm quickly startled by a woman in her forties wearing a black and white costume, swiping the red cups into a large black bag.

"I'm sorry," I say after her eyes go wide.

"No, no, it is okay. I left your clothes in the bathroom, you are welcome to take a shower." She says with a slight accent before rushingly cleaning the able with the rag in her hand.

"Is there any way I can help?" I smile.

"you're not like Miles's other girls." She says and I look at her with wide eyes.

"I'm not—we're not together." I smile and she nods as if she understands but something tells me she doesn't. I grab a bag and take the cups one by one off the chairs, shelves, and table.

"Miles is very messy with parties." She says and I chuckle.

"Does he have many parties?" I ask and she nods.

"Yes very many, and he never cleans up." She says with a little laugh.

"it's a shame he doesn't listen to his mother." She shrugs and before I can ask her more Miles walks in with one hand rubbing his forehead.

"Valentina?" he says completely ignoring me.

"Get me some water and aspirin." He demands before looking at me with his dull hazel eyes.

"you should leave." He says and I can't help but be a little caught off guard. 

I don't know what I expected but I didn't expect him to react like this. I give him a slight nod before rushing gup the stairs and quickly taking off his shirt.

 The bathroom is almost as big as Miles's whole room. I lock the door and decide to take a shower just like Valentina suggested.

The Perfect StormOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora