Chapter 34

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The cold air greets me as soon as Chrissy cracks open the window.

"So are you coming with tonight?" she asks, her eyes staring right into mine.

"Um—" I sigh, half of me wants to use this Friday and weekend off as an excuse to study and get ahead of my classes but the other part of me wants to see what all the fuss is about. I nod before my mouth can deny the invitation.

"Great," she smiles.

"We'll get ready together." I smile back at her before she finally heads out the door. 

I glance at the clock; I have a few minutes to spare until my next class starts. I take a deep breath as I tie a white scrunchie around the ponytail I've formed with my hair.

Hoop earrings hang on my ears and I brush a wand of mascara through my lashes before I'm finally ready to leave. My bag hand on my shoulder as I lock the door.

"Ready for class?" Miles's voice asks and for a second I debate whether or not I should even acknowledge him. 

I turn my head slowly to face him only to look at him in disbelief. This tall boy in light-gray pants, white shoes, and t-shirt can't be Miles.

"You're wearing color now?" I say as I look at his perfectly gelled dark brown hair.

"it's Halloween isn't it? I thought I'd try it out, but I'll let you in on a little secret," he smiles before leaning into me.

"I don't like it." He says, his minty breath hitting my lips.

 I smile before we finally start our short walk to class. Walking next to Miles has never been as intimidating, every girl we pass either gives me the stink eye or whispers something to their friend, I can only imagine how Chrissy feels being next to him all the time.

"Good job, you two work well together." The teacher says as he hands us the assignment back.

"I—" I start but know I can't finish, I don't have anything to say. 

Miles smirks at the frown clearly appearing on my face. My phone buzzes, softening my mood, the message reads;

Jacob: "I can't wait to see you tonight."

I smile as I re-read the message at least five times.

"Jacob really isn't worth all of that excitement." Miles huffs.

"Neither are you," I say.

"Sure I am." He smiles.

AS SOON AS I enter our dorm, my eyes dart to Miles who's sitting next to Chrissy. I start to wonder how he made it here so fast but I quickly realize, he skipped the rest of our classes together.

"Okay, Miles you have to leave now, us girls are going to get ready," Chrissy demands.

"Can I watch?" he asks, his eyes darting right at mine and a shiver goes through me.

"Miles—" She starts but stops at the sound of his laughter.

"Okay, okay, jeez," He says, standing up.

"I got to get ready too." He says with a smirk. The door closes and Chrissy squeals; "Oh my god, I can't wait for tonight!"

"I'm going to be an angel and Miles is going as the devil." Chrissy giggles which only reminds me that I have no idea what to go as.

 I haven't gone to a Halloween 'party' since middle school with Jace when I dressed up as a princess and he as a prince.

"I don't have a costume," I say quietly.

"Oh," Chrissy says before giving me a small smile before saying;

"I can probably find you something."

"You could go as a nun?" She says with a small frown covering her face as she holds a black dress in her hand. 

I can almost hear all of the comments Miles is going to make. I nod before she hands me the costume. Chrissy slips into a white dress whilst I curl my lashes before running black mascara through them. 

I coat my lips in red before applying the rest of my makeup and curling my hair. My nails are black and my earrings are gold hoops. 

I finally slip into the dress, expecting a real Saint Mary costume but instead, I get a revealing short dress. The neckline is low and the veil is the only thing that has any white on it.

"Isn't this a little too much?" I ask in hopes she'll agree.

"No, definitely not, girls go dressed so much worse." She giggles and I know she might be right. 

Maybe I really am overthinking this whole situation. The door opens and Miles walks in through the door, the small devil horns hiding in his dark hair fit him perfectly. 

He's dressed in all black. He smirks at us before saying; "You two ready?" he asks, biting his lips as he looks at my dress. He lets out a small breath as he raises a brow. I wait a few seconds before answering, hoping Jacob will come through the door too, but he doesn't.

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