Chapter 9

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IT'S FINALLY FRIDAY and I'm glad to see Chrissy back in our dorm room after spending the majority of the week at Miles'. I try catching up on some homework, but it doesn't go too well, I need a laptop whether I admit it or not.

"Are you coming to the party tonight?" Chrissy asks as she lies on her bed, tapping at her phone.

"What party?" I ask confused.

" The party." She says but my face remains full of confusion.

"Well, there's a party every Friday, Miles usually hosts it and it's huge, like almost everyone spends their Friday's there." She explains.

"uh . . . Sure." I say, surprising us both, but mostly myself. I wouldn't usually say yes, but I have nothing better to do, at least not without a laptop.

"Yay! Can I do your makeup? I've been dying to apply full face makeup on you! It'd look so pretty!!" she squeaks.

"Sure, why not?" I smile, hoping I won't look like a clown.

"So when does it start exactly?" I ask as I sit down on her pink chair.


"Oh, right . . . makes sense." I say stupidly thinking it would be long over by then. She grabs a thin makeup brush and dips it into a dark brown eye shadow. I can't really understand what she's doing or what the final result will look like, all I can feel are brush strokes here and there.

"do you have an outfit in mind?" she asks.

"Uh . . . not yet, I was thinking maybe jeans and--"

"Ofh, jeans? No girl, let me guide you to the perfect dress." She says before digging into her closet like a gold digger, finally finding me a short black dress. The dress looks simple but yet beautiful.

"You can keep it too, it's too small on me." She says with a smile. I try to smile through her workspace that is now my face.

"Done, but no peeking just yet!" she warns and I nod. I quickly slip into the dress, Chrissy runs over to help me zip up the back.

"Okay now turn around!" she says overly excited.

"How does it look?" I ask.

"Oh my god, you'll definitely get attention from a few boys tonight." She smiles, proud of her new sculpture.

"Alright now look at yourself." She points at the mirror.

"I look . . ."

"flawless? I know." She speaks for me. I've never looked this good before, my hair is fully done and silky smooth, the nude lipstick covering my lips compliments my hair and facial features perfectly.

 My eyes are lined with a brown liner along with light brown eyeshadow applied on top of my lids. Even my eyebrows look better. The dress is pitch black, resting right above my knees.

"These too." She says handing me a pair of gold heels to match the gold hoop earring that look a little big for my taste. I don't exactly know how to react to all of this, she's being way too nice and all I can say is ‚thank you' which doesn't seem nearly enough.

"The boys should be here soon." She says as she slips into her short white heels. The boys? What have I gotten myself into?

"Knock, knock," Miles says, walking into our dorm. His eyes look me up and down but yet he doesn't make eye contact. He stays silent and tugs at his dark hair. the sleeves on his black button-down are slightly rolled up, revealing a golden, very expensive looking watch. Jacob steps inside slowly, his blue eyes instantly meet mine, he raises his eyebrows and bites his lower lip.

"Wow Madison . . . you look—"

"Sexy?" Chrissy asks proudly.

"Yeah . . . very sexy." Jacob replies coolly and the butterflies in my stomach start fluttering all over my body. Jacob's eyes rake up my body a few times and then meet mine.

"Don't make it so obvious Jacob" Miles says padding Jacob on the shoulder before exiting the room with Chrissy by his side.

The four of us slowly walk towards the parking lot.

"Chilly August huh?" Chrissy asks, pushing her coat closer to her neck.

"Sure is," Miles says, clicking his car keys. The car instantly turns on. Jacob rests his hand on my lower back.

 I'm still not sure why they agreed on taking separate cars. Miles and Chrissy climb into Miles' dark gray Lamborghini while Jacob and I get into his shiny red Ferrari. Jacob walks over to my door to open it for me and I hear Chrissy scowl at Miles; "Why don't you ever do that?"

Going to the party builds knots in my stomach but Jacob's cologne seems to ease my nerves. The seats are instantly warm. He places the useless key into his pocket. 

The car smells slightly of the leather seats which is somehow comforting. The engine roars as he presses the gas pedal. 

I know he's only doing it to impress me but I can't deny that it's working. "nice right?" He says licking his lips. And looking into my eyes and then at my lips.

"Yes, very." I chuckle. I never noticed how pure his eyes really are. His blonde hair is perfectly gelled and his blue skinny jeans fit him perfectly. 

The car is clearly powerful, and Jacob doesn't hesitate to use it.

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