Chapter 35

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The house is even more crowded than I imagined. Red cups rest everywhere and multiple beer kegs are lined by the entrance.

The music plays too loudly and everyone seems to be walking past in slow motion. Chrissy hands me a red cup before dragging me to the dance floor. Everyone is in costumes that are either too revealing or don't make sense.

Lights flash all around as people dance everywhere. I look out the large windows close to us, the lights in the pool are light blue, making the water look so calm and tempting, red cups line the sides as people jump into the pool, splashing both alcohol and water everywhere on the outside patio. The music plays even louder and I find myself laughing and jumping around with Chrissy. She smiles before gesturing for me to take a sip of the drink.

"It won't make you drunk." She explains and I nod. I'm not sure I want to get tipsy but dancing like this is too much fun and I need to learn to relax, this dress isn't exactly making that easy with the number of stares I'm getting from random guys.

I sip the strong liquid and feel as it burns my tongue and throat before finally running through every part of my body, I almost instantly feel relaxed and warm. Chrissy chugs her cup before stealing another one off the table. I giggle to myself before the two of us continue our 'dancing'.

"King!!" Chrissy and I hear from the kitchen where Miles is surrounded by a group of people with red cups in their hands, cheering him on.

"bottoms up." He smirks before chugging three cups in a row. An arm pulls me to the side, disrupting my stare.

"Madison?" Jacob says the expression on his face is unreadable. I look at him with wide eyes, I can barely comprehend what's going on even though I'm only slightly tipsy.

His blonde hair is perfectly messy and the number '99' is on the front of his football costume. I part my lips to speak but I spot Miles behind him, in the kitchen eyeing our every move.

"Can I talk to you for a second?" he asks in a slightly harsher tone than usual. I nod before he can ask the question again.

He leads me towards the stairs and I can tell Miles is about to say something. The devil slowly approaches us with a smirk.

"Off-limits." He says, pulling his arm forward to stop Jacob and me from walking up the stairs. Jacob pushes his hand away harshly.

"Back off." Jacob barks.

"Love trouble? Or are we repeating last time?" Miles smirks and I look at both of them confused.

Jacob slams away the cup in his hand and for a split Miles looks a little caught off guard but he quickly recovers, grabbing the collar of Jacob's shirt and slamming him against the wall.

"No!" I yell but neither of them listens, I try to make eye contact with Miles but all he does is stare at Jacob, making sure he doesn't move, his collar still in Miles's grip.

"I thought I told you to stay away from her," Jacob says to my surprise. Miles smirks before looking at me with his devilish eyes.

"Jacob—" I stop myself when he doesn't look at me.

"Goddamnit Madison!" Jacob yells, jerking away from the tight grip before he punches Miles in the face. I gasp before covering my mouth in horror.

"Jacob!" I yell but he's long gone out the door. 

"I honestly didn't think your boyfriend had the balls to do it." Miles smirks with blood running down his nose before she finally walks up the stairs and into the bathroom.

I'm left all alone with no understanding as to what happened. I try calling Jacob but realize I left my phone back at our dorm. I scold myself mentally before finally walking to the living room in hopes of finding Chrissy but I see no sight of her anywhere.

I try keeping my emotions at bay but a few tears threaten to spill and I know that I have no control over them. I walk up the stairs slowly, hoping Miles or anyone else for that matter won't notice. I look at the long hall facing me with only a few rooms to each side.

I notice blue light coming from one of the glass doors and before I can make up my mind I start walking towards the light only to realize there's another pool, this one is empty. I attempt to open the glass door and to my surprise, the door is unlocked.

I close the door behind me and take off my heels, resting them by my side. Wearing these all night really is painful. I dip my feet into the see-through water, as I stare at the small splashes I finally feel like my emotions are at bay. I still don't understand what happened downstairs earlier but the hurt in  Jacob's eyes was something I've never seen before.

"Knock, knock." A raspy voice interrupts and I know it's Miles, I decide not to look around.

"Heard someone was trespassing." He says as he sits down right next to me. He lifts his jeans up before dipping his feet into the pool.

"Yeah," I sniffle.

"I'm sorry," I say, my voice lower than intended.

"Don't be, Jacob doesn't usually act this way, I'd need time alone too." He says to my surprise and for the first time, I feel like maybe there's more to Miles than just his cold exterior.

"I just don't understand what happened," I say with tear-filled eyes, I want to cry but I know I can't, not in front of Miles.

"I don't even understand what I'm doing sometimes." I continue to blurt out my truth.

"I have a boyfriend now and . . . and it used to just be my mom and me. . . you know? I--"

"I know." He says to my surprise.

"You do?" I ask. We look at each other with an almost understanding in our eyes before we focus back onto the pool.

"Yeah, my dad left a while ago, he left us. He left my mom and me alone with a big mansion that he didn't care for anymore." He explains as the water slightly splashes in the pool.

"Yo! Some girls are looking for you." A boy with dark hair yells.

"I'll be right down." He says and the boy nods before leaving.

"I'm sorry about everything and especially your nose," I say.

"Your boyfriend really did a number but I can handle it, I'm a big boy." He smirks and I chuckle.

"I thought Virgin marries weren't supposed to have boyfriends." He says raising a brow which only makes me laugh.

"I'm a nun." I smile.

"Those shouldn't be having boyfriends either and they definitely shouldn't be hanging around the devil." He says with a bite of his lips.

He runs his fingers through his brown hair, revealing more of the red horns, he somehow looks handsome even with the horns in.

"Drive me home? I . . . I want to leave." I say, my voice low and he nods.

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