Chapter 57

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We're back in the familiar cologne filled car and I feel like I could stay here the whole night.

"Where are we going?" I ask but he shakes his head.

"It's a secret." He smiles before turning on a soft song on the radio. The beat is calm and I'm surprised at his selection. The car stops in front of a small movie theatre and I smile.

"Are we watching a movie?" I ask and he nods before taking my hand and leading me inside the empty theatre.

"Two popcorns and one large soda." He says to the girl in the cashier. She nods before handing us our food and two straws.

"Oh my god," I say as soon as she hands me the very large soda. Miles chuckles to my surprise before saying, "this place is known for very large sodas."

"Very large." I giggle before we walk inside the movie empty movie theatre.

"Why isn't anyone here?" I ask, glancing around the empty seats.

"I rented the place out for us." He smiles before sitting down. I stand there for a second, looking into his hazel eyes with a smile.

"You're more romantic than I've heard." I hide a smile.

"Oh yeah?" he raises his brows before his hands rest on my hips and he leans in slowly. My breathing slows down and I lean into him.

"Want me that bad huh?" he asks, licking his lips and giving me a small smile. My eyes scan his face as he comes closer. His lips press softly on mine and the taste of him gets me hooked. My body remembers the feeling that he can give me and I instantly feel filled with the same familiar electricity I've come to know so well.

"Maybe," I whisper as his lips pull away slowly.

"Just maybe? I don't recall that being the case." He winks and I nudge at his shoulder playfully.

"Here, I know a trick." He says and I look at him confused as he pulls the armrest up and gesturing for me to lean onto his chest. The way he looks in the darkness is almost angel-like. His dark hair and hazel eyes as noticeable even with the only light being from the movie screen. His legs are spread out and his eyebrows are thick and watching me. His black diamond earring shines at me as I lean in closer.

"You know you're really sexy in this." He says, pulling at my dress slightly. I blush but can't find the words to say anything. I lie my head against his chest and he hands me the popcorn. His strong hand rests on my thigh as we sit there and watch the countdown for the movie.

Jacob's POV

My phone vibrated a while ago but I couldn't to muster up enough strength to stand the hell up. My whole stomach is covered in purple and my face isn't any better today.

"That son of a bitch." I whisper to myself as I look at my stomach in the mirror. Nothing seems to be healing. I rip a large band-aid off my abdomen before finally grabbing my phone.

Madison: "back off."

I re-read the message at least five times before smashing the phone against the wall. As soon as the phone breaks into pieces and rests on the floor I hear a knock at my door.

"Fuck." I whisper under my breath, I don't need anyone on my ass about the fucking noise right now.

"Yo—" I stop myself after opening the door.

"Chrissy?" I look at her surprised.

"Yeah." She whispers before stepping inside. Her eyes are glossy and look to be holding a few tears.

"What's wrong?" I ask, rubbing at the back of my neck.

"Nothing." She says, clearly trying to hold in a few tears.

"Well then leave." I smile.

"Jacob." She warns but I just laugh.

"Come on Chrissy, I know you. Now tell me what the hell is going on--"

"Miles." she simply states and I can almost feel her pain. I'm in the same boat as her except with Madison. I thought I had finally found something; someone that wanted me as I wanted her. Chrissy walks over to my bed before sitting down and gesturing for me to sit next to her.

"I said that everything was fine . . . but I just . . . it bothers me." She admits, looking down at he dangling feet.

"Miles should be heartbroken that we're broken up but instead he's with my friend and my roommate, doing god knows what." she sighs.

"I know," I say and she looks up at me.

"I know how you feel," I add.

"You don't." she surprises me by saying.

"I do, you know how much she meant to me."

"How much she means to me." I correct myself.

"You didn't hear them have sex." She says and I want to vomit on the carpet beneath my feet.

"Everything was so chaotic at the party and someone told me what had happened, so I rushed back to my dorm . . . I heard them. I started crying and I ended up sleeping in Miles's dorm. He freaked out after he saw me and told me . . ." she brushes a tear off her cheek and clearly tries gathering enough strength to look into my eyes.

"He told me that I had never meant anything to him." She cries.

"Chrissy." I breathe before pulling her crying into my chest. She holds tightly onto my shoulders as I comfort her sobs.

"Come on, I'll help you get back to your dorm. I don't want anyone getting the wrong idea." I say, standing up when her tears are partially dry. She nods but doesn't move.

"Jacob?" Chrissy asks, looking right at me. I look at her confused, she looks as though she desperately needs to get something off her chest.

"I need to tell you something. I tried telling you at the cabin, but they came back." She breathes and my eyes go wide at the possibility.

"You didn't—" I question,  shaking my head, but she stops me and my smile slowly fades at the way she looks at me.

"I'm sorry." She says, and I clench my jaw.

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