Chapter 7

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I FINALLY drop all of my books onto my desk.

"Madison! Hi!" Chrissy's voice rings through the room. I turn around surprised.

"Oh, hi," I say calmly, still trying to catch my breath.

"Are your classes all done for today?!"

"Yeah, they are," I say smiling.

"Perfect." She says giving me a slight grin.

"Why's that?" I say awkwardly.

"because we're having a girls night! Just me and you. I thought we should get to know each other?"

"Yes! I'd love that!" I say surprisingly. I'm actually excited, I've never had a girls night. I never had any other friends except Jace, I can't wait to tell him that I've made a new friend.

"Let me just gather all my stuff okay? We can be on my bed," she explains and I give her a warm smile.

"Uh, do you have any snacks?" She asks a little embarrassed.

"Yes, of course, I bought a bunch yesterday," I say pointing to a small box under my bed. Chrissy nods before gesturing for me to sit on her bed and I oblige. Her bed is full of makeup, masks, and anything we could possibly need.

"Here, choose one," She says, gesturing to her nail polish collection. I can feel my eyes light up. I decide on a pearl color.

"You can keep this one, I haven't used it in a while." She says.

"Wow, thank you," I say appreciating the nice gesture. She starts by cutting my already cut nails, filing them, and then gently putting on the polish.

"So do you have a boyfriend?" She asks intrigued.


"Oh, why not? You're really pretty." She asks surprised. I give her a warm smile.

"Well my mom got pregnant young and she didn't want me to repeat her mistake . . . so I guess I just nev—" She cuts me off.

"What!? So you've never Had a boyfriend?"

"No. . . " I say almost ashamed.

"Oh, I guess you've never kissed anyone either then?"

"No." I smile, I can feel my cheeks lightly blush, 'no' seems to be the only word I know.

"Well, I think that's sort of cool in a way, you don't need anyone, being on your own and finding yourself is important too you know?" she smiles.

"Yeah, I guess so. I think a big part of me is honestly just waiting for someone who's worth all of it and who's willing to wait." I admit.

"wait?" She asks, confused.

"yeah, you know for marriage."

"oh." She says, forming a big 'O' with her mouth.

"I think that's really brave fo you." She says.

"You know . . . with the way things are today." She adds and I nod

"Done." She squeaks, handing me blue nail polish.

"Your turn," I say with a smile.

My nails look beautiful . . . prettier than they have looked in a while. I've never really had the time or tools to paint them and make them look presentable.

"So who's this mystery man you're with?" I giggle.

"He's my boyfriend. We sort of just started dating after when I was in high school and he was on his first year here and we have been for almost a whole year now." Chrissy explains.

"There's just something about him that attracts me you know? I can't explain it. I'm . . . I consider myself kind of lucky that he even wants to be with me, I mean he's just so attractive, he's the hottest guy in school and everyone knows it. I have no idea why he wants to be with me. After his friends found out things just turned ugly but he stuck by my side." she looks down at her nails.

"No, you're not lucky. That's what falling in love is, I'm sure he feels the same way about you and his friends don't really seem like friends."

"I sure hope he does, but he's the 'bad boy' type, they don't usually feel . . . ‚lucky'." She explains with a slight laugh.

"Miles Ryder."

Chrissy's blond hair towers over her nails as I try to finish the last one. Her nails are so tiny, there's barely anything to put polish on.

"So where have you been sneaking off to all these nights?" I ask immediately regretting it.

"To Miles' dorm room . . . he's all alone in a big room and well we use that really well if you know what I mean." She chuckles and I feel bile rising in my throat but I take a sip of water to wash it down. I feel as if my mother is trying to speak through me because the only thing I want to ask her is if they're being safe. Chrissy looks at my slightly disgusted face and changes the subject;

"he just didn't want a roommate and so he somehow made that happen, I don't know how he literally has connections everywhere and all the money he could possibly need, but that's not why I date him of course, I always pay for myself." She says proudly and I give her a warm smile. I decide on a rose mask while Chrissy grabs the charcoal one claiming it will 'get rid of the imperfections.'

"We look like we just got botox done." She says and we both burst into laughter.

"I really liked doing this," I say trying to smile through my hardened face.

"Me too." She chuckles.

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