I laughed and nodded my head. Let me explain. Austin Cook is the school's 'hottest' senior, who thought it'd be a hell of an idea to hit on me. I punched him in the nose- breaking it. I thought it was funny. Dean Reverend didn't. Oh well!

"We like you!" Toni exclaimed as she looped one arm through mine and Alex through the other. "Uh, you know I don't really.. Like people right?" I was amused by this and these two girls. They shrugged, "us either. Consider yourself lucky." Alex winked at me and I shrugged.

"Where are we going?" I asked as we turned the corner. "Oh, come meet our friends!" Toni beamed at me. We stopped in front of the gym and I nodded in understanding. "Of course you're friends with them." I muttered out, growling a bit.

Alex raised her eyebrow surprised and Toni turned to me, "Oh! You've met them?" She questioned excitedly; too excitedly if you ask me.. "Sadly." I muttered and Toni looked confused but shrugged as she pulled open the gym doors.

Shirtless guys littered the gym with six packs or eight packs and let me say, it was HOT! But of course, I kept my face neutral. I've obviously seen shirtless guys before. I don't live under a rock! They all looked over to me and Elijah groaned.

"Aw, baby, didn't you miss me?" I cooed mockingly. He glared. Oh well! "Guys, this is Aaliyah, and she's our new friend!" Toni yelled, clapping to get the guys attention. I raised an eyebrow at her amused. "Friend?" Jay scoffed. "She doesn't have friends."

I shrugged. It's true. Oh, I'm sorry, was that supposed to hurt me? Good thing I'm not delusional and think I have friends. That's just weird..

"Be nice and take that back!" Toni gasped, scolding him. "Nah, it's cool, it's true- I don't have friends. I don't like people." I shrugged and walked over to Coach's office. "What're you doing?" Someone asked I didn't know. I turned around and looked at the kid who ran into my causing me to knock over my cigarette.

"Well, I'm actually going to go get the first aid kit for my wound that you created." I glared playfully and he looked shy and sad. "I'm sorry about that." He trailed off quietly. "Don't sweat it, kid. It's not your fault." I waved him off, looking for the first aid kit.

"Bingo." I muttered as I located the first aid kit. I opened it and grabbed the burn and sting cream. I pulled out the tube and took off my shirt to get to my arm better. I got some gauze and put some of the cream on it. I applied the gauze to my wound and hissed in pain as it started to sting.

"Ah, god." I called out through clenched teeth. That kid who was slightly younger than the rest walked in. "Are you alr- Oh god! I'm sorry." He seemed flustered as he walked in on me. I laughed. "You're cute, kid, what's your name?" I asked and he hesitated, looking uncomfortable.

"Uh, X-Xavier. My name's Xavier." I smirked. "Well, Xavier. I'm glad you liked the free show." I smirked as he blushed and looked uncomfortable as hell! "Relax kid, I'm messing with you." He seemed to relax a little.

"So, Xavier, how old are you?" I quirked an eyebrow: hopping up onto Coach Logan's desk. This is where he probably has sex with those tramps. Great, and these are my favorite jeans! I'm gonna have to burn em now! "16." He cut me off of my thoughts. I nodded in understanding and crossed my leg over the other.

"Can I ask you something?" He nodded and I continued. "What're you doing hanging out with fuckfaces like them?" I was curious, okay! No crime here. Sheesh. "Jonah's my older brother." Ah! That makes sense. I nodded in understanding.

Xavier's eyes wondered a little and he soon turned a crimson red, looking anywhere but at me. I raised an eyebrow. "Uh, Liyah, could you maybe-" He scratched the back of his neck. Aw! I make him nervous. Cute. *Insert evil laughter*. "Put your shirt on?" I smirked and hopped down walking up to Xavier.

"Awe, do I make little Xavier nervous?" I pinched his cheek earning a slap away and a playful glare. I laughed a good laugh, throwing my head back and everything. "Whoa, what's going on in here?" One of Jay's friends asked.

"N-nothing." Xavier stuttered and I raised an eyebrow at him, smirking slightly. I leaned in closer to the new guy, holding my hand up. "I make Xavier here nervous." I sent the boy a wink at the end and he laughed. "Get it, bro!" He slapped Xavier on the back and I laughed.

"Jonah!" Xavier cried out hiding his face in his hands. I was currently bent over holding my stomach laughing. Jonah joined me in the laughing and we couldn't control ourselves. "Whatever, I'm leaving." Xavier grumbled.

"Awe, bud, come hangout with us!" Jonah called out through his laughs and I was using the desk to help me stay standing. I stopped laughing and glanced at Jonah as he glanced at me, after a couple of seconds, we burst out laughing again.

"What the- Oh!" The rest of the guys were standing in front of the entrance looking at Jonah and I like we were crazy. Some of the guys scanned me with their eyes. I glanced down to realize I never put my shirt on. Oops!

I shrugged and walked over to the floor, picked up my shirt and slipped it over my head. Some of the guys groaned in protest. I laughed and looked at the guys. "Awe, where's Xavier?" Jonah asked and looked at me and we both started to laugh again.

"Fancy telling us what we missed?" Some guy asked. "Xavier couldn't keep his eyes off little Liyah here." Jonah explained and I started laughing harder I had to sit on the floor. The guys looked amused and I caught a glance at Jay and he held a small smile.

"Whatever, I came to tell you guys, there's someone to let us out now." Elijah grumbled and I sprang to my feet. "Fucking finally!" I called and rushed out of the office, the guys trailing behind slightly.

"Hey!" Toni waved me over. I nodded in acknowledgment. "Do you need a ride home?" Alex suggested and I shook my head 'no'. Shit. Wait. Emma dropped me off today! Ugh! "Okay, bye then." They waved at me and started to walk away.

I stayed planted in my spot and glanced around. I grumbled, stomped and ran after them. "Wait!" They stopped and turned around to look at me. "Can I take that ride?" I asked sheepishly. They smiled big and nodded. I smiled a little.

His Arrogant WaysWhere stories live. Discover now