I have a secret.

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LILA was always annoying me with her oh-so-clever comments. Ariana and Madison always thought I should say something in return buy I didn't care. It wasn't like I was scared of Lila or her group, but why to waste time thinking about what to say when  you could simply ignore? I don't know why Madison and Ariana cared so much about hose two bozos.

Ariana and i had been friends for eight years, we know each other like the back of our hands. Friendship hardly lasts that long. At first, I thought of her to be a silent and dumb kid but layer found out that is she started to speak, everyone around her would beg her to shut up.Then, around sixth or seventh grade our teacher made me sit with the good girl of the class who, surprisingly, was friends with almost all of the bad kids. At that time, that girl had the prefect's badge.

I am of course talking about Madison. I didn't know what to make of her. She seemed good but i hated the people she hung out with. But right now, she is not friends with any of them. Besides, ugh, May.

After talking for a long time we realised that this free period ends in about ten minutes. Ariana and I started to brawl at the fact that we have to sit with our mortal enemies while Madison laughed at us, saying she is lucky.

As I have said before, Madison was friends with May. There friendship wasn't really good, Madison always had to be careful because she knew May can use her and throw her away. Ariana didn't have any problems with her either but I disliked her for many reasons. She was so mean with almost everyone besides her friends. She used people for her own good and was over-confident.

Madison has had a sort of history with all the mean kids. You'll hear more about it from her.

"Where is May anyway?" Ariana asked.

Madison rolled her eyes, "I bet she's talking to Andrew."

I turned to see where she was. I didn't take me much time to find her because I knew exactly where Andrew sat. The two of them were talking, alright, but I felt my blood boil. Andrew didn't talk much with anyone but God knew what he saw in May. I balled my fists in anger but let out a sigh. What's the use of this?

I wasn't sure what I felt for Andrew, but sometimes, it scared me. Madison liked him, he was a good colleague for her. I used to make fun of Madison for liking him so that no one would suspect me. Ariana hated him and I pretended the same. Ariana not liking the guy secretly hurt me.

Maybe I was not as confused as I pretended to be. Maybe I just wanted to run away from the truth. And the truth was I actually liked him. No, it was not a crush, I mean, I really liked him. I wasn't even sure since when... It just happened. I wasn't very proud of it. I was sure that a million other girls liked him and I would never stand a chance against girls like May, but I couldn't help it.

He had everything. Ariana said he wasn't good looking but she knew he was. He had a good sense of humor and even if he cracked a bad joke, everyone would still laugh. No one actually disliked him (Ariana is crazy). When he used to sit behind Madison, she used to call him 'stationary' because he had all stationary items-from extra pens to board pins. I was secretly jealous of them. Andrew was pure at heart and no one could deny that. There was something about the way his dark red hair swept his eyes, his electric blue eyes twinkled behind his glasses when he smiled, his shoulders squared when he was tensed and his voice became deep when he was serious, which could make almost every girl feel woozy.

I tell Madison and Ariana almost everything, but they didn't know anything about this. I tried to forget it too. I just wanted this phase to pass.

I quickly looked away. Andrew clearly had no interest in me and still having feelings for him went against my self respect.

Ugh, stop thinking about it! I told myself.

Luckily, at that moment, a boy comes inside our class, yelling, "Miss Stilton is coming! She is coming!"

Everyone rushed to their seats as fast as they could. Some students even opened their books so that it looked like they were studying. Our class became as quiet as a graveyard. Not a single child talking, not a single page flapping. I reached my bench just as the door of our class opened and Miss Stilton entered. We weren't shocked to see her shocked face.

"I am happy to see that the class is in a good condition," She spoke, "but why did no one come to tell me that there is no teacher in the class?"

Everyone looked at the 'Fantastic Four', one of them, Patrick, stood up and said, "Ma'am we came to call you but you weren't there in the staff room, then we went to see if there is any substitution, but again, no teacher was allotted to our class for this period."

"Why didn't you go to the head mistress' office?"

Patrick's best friend, Jason, stood up too, "Ma'am we did, not once but twice or thrice, but she wasn't there as well..." We nodded.

Of course they were lying. Nobody went anywhere, all we did was have fun. This was an understood thing between us, whenever we were in trouble, the Fantastic Four will do the talking and all of us would nod. Once Lela had told our teacher that they were lying. That didn't make much different because majority of the class said that Lila was the one lying. Not a single person talked to her for days.

"Okay, well... Next time tell me. Which period do you have now?"

"Science..." Some of us grunted.

We hated our science teacher. She continuously tried to insult us. We had almost written a letter to the Principal, saying that we don't want her, can we please get the teacher who had been teaching us for the last two years? Most of the students had signed on it too, I and Ariana wanted to do it, but Madison stopped us.

"I wanna sign too, but I know it for a fact that they will never actually give this letter to the Principal. And if one day, any of our teachers get the letter, we are doomed." Madison had told us.

"How are you so sure?"

"Uh, For one, Daisy is leading this thing with Lila. For two, I know everyone looks very confident, they are all scared on the inside. I am not scared, but I am cautious. They are worried about what will happen if the teachers get this letter. They won't give it to anyone. Mark my words."

She was right, days passed but that letter was never given to anyone. It was probably chucked out of the small door. And, even though no one would admit it, we want to change our teacher because we were too attached to our previous science teacher, who used to get this class.

Anyway, soon, Miss Stilton left. Before any of us could move, Mrs. Nate came inside.

"Good morning, ma'am." We chorused.

"You guys sound like cows mooing together, be a bit more energetic!"

"Good morning, ma'am." This time, it was better.

"Good morning. Sit down and take out your books and copies."

We did so. The class began.

Why should we care about what happens with nitrogen in the atmosphere?

I don't know.

I started writing the notes and the period proceeded.

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