Making An Enemy

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Lex... Stupid Lex! Screw him, I hate him! I thought to myself when I saw his text which made my face evaporate. I reread it with the purpose and determination to understand it this time.

Practice at Sam's place. You coming?

Right, we had a competition coming up and we were practicing with our blood, sweat and tears for it. Our school did not win a lot of music competitions, but it had made a name for itself in sports. I guessed it had something to do with less resources for music and more for sports.

Yeah. Your parents let you come? I asked.

His reply came almost instantly which made me grin like an idiot.
They don't know I'm going. Sofie is covering for me.

Here was another proof that whatever was happening to me because of Lex did not make much sense. Until a few days ago, I would have loved to know more about Sofie but now, I did not like her mention. I wanted to be the best person in Lex's life but I knew I couldn't be. After all, Sofie had been his support through hell. I had been his support through his few weeks of high school.

High school is hell, my conscience argued. It made a good point.

See you there then! I sent him the message and put my incomplete homework in the bag. I'll do it later, I thought.

My current plan was to take a bus to Sam's house, rehearse, rehearse and rehearse, and then take a bus to the cafe to earn some money. Sounded pretty solid.

Putting on light grey tank top and red checked flannel, I grabbed my hair and and loosely put a clutcher on it.

I looked at my messy self in the mirror. For me, I looked pretty good. It wasn't like I didn't care about my physical appearance, I cared about it more than I let people know. I chose this look for myself, I realised that this was more my vibe. Untidy hair, lose clothes, no makeup was my style, not my carelessness.

I was about to leave when my eyes fell on the picture wall. It was now decorated with newer pictures from my birthday, and some funny notes left by my friends. Lex was not in the pictures, but I hadn't left him out. The pendant he had given me was attached on the softboard and Lex had even written a note in school for me to put on there when he found out the others had too.

Stay hydrated.

It made me laugh every time I looked at it. Stay hydrated? He made me smile with his innocence. The expression on his face was precious when I cracked up on his note when he had handed it to me.

"You don't like it?" He had asked with big doe eyes and a confused frown.

"No no! Its perfect, actually really adorable." I grinned.

"But seriously, stay hydrated."

I howled with laughter again and almost fell off my bench. He didn't have to be so cute and tiny for no reason. Remembering the recent but fond memory, I grabbed a sling bag and put a few things in it. Then I remembered to pack in my Oh Bagel Cafe uniform.

"Ariana! I'm leaving!" I yelled from my room.

"You sure you don't need me to drop you?"


I took some money from my savings and set out to catch a bus. In almost twenty minutes, I was in from of Sam's apartment. I did not know how many of my band members were already there, but I was excited. The competition was a few weeks away so we still had time. I knew 30% of our time would be dedicated to music and the other 70% would be for leisure.

Crazy WorldDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora