A Lot Happened Today.

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I hated Parker.

You know what the worst part was? He seemed like a genuinely nice guy, so it was hard to hate him without feeling guilty.

He had been around for a day. He was staying here for ten days which meant I still had to be around him for NINE more (today being the second).

My friends, of course, loved him. They were so glad to have him back. This made me feel sick with guilt, but I couldn't help it. After Andrew, he was closest to Madison. Every evening, he would visit her place. He would bring her gifts.

Okay, all of that happened once, but it made me mad.

It also pained me to realise that he had known Madison for around seven years. I hadn't even known her for one.

At least I found out why he seemed familiar. Madison had his picture in her room. Amazing. You know who else was in the picture? Everyone but me.

To be fair, I could understand why everyone was so hyped about seeing him. I had known Sofie for around ten years so I could understand their excitement. I knew I was being irrational but feelings did that to people. I was learning that the hard way.

Parker and I hadn't talked much. In just one day, once we met at Madison's place, and once at Andrew's. Every time, he would mostly talk to the others. I didn't complain.

I was secretly glad.

I was afraid that if I talked to him too much, I'd make it obvious that I wasn't as happy to see him as everyone else. I didn't want that.

Today we had plans of meeting at Andrew's house again. Just the guys. We had done that before but mostly we'd play video games instead of talking. Though now that Parker was here, everyone was all ears for all the tales he had to tell.

After the day of the competition, my parents returned. I told them we won.  That conversation didn't go as well as it should've, but I wasn't surprised.

"So, father. And mother, of course. I wanted to tell you that my band won the music competition," I said, shifting from toe to toe.

"And?" My mother asked. My father didn't even look up from his laptop.

"And the breakfast was delicious today. Kudos to Fred for that. I'll see y'all later, peace out," I rolled my eyes and said, then walked out of the room without waiting for a response.

(They must have found my way of talking outrageous, but must've been too confused to react.)

My life pretty much went back to normal, but looked like I didn't. I could feel the confidence inside me grow. I was quicker at giving replies, making jokes and basically evolving into the dream version of me. I had observed these changes myself (since changes were rare, they were easy to spot), and I guessed that this was happening because of the music competition. Winning boosted my confidence and confidence boosted my sarcasm.

Or maybe it was because I was subconsciously becoming like the person I adored, Madison.

Thinking about her also reminded me that I had to meet the band tomorrow. I decided I would ask my parents for permission today. They would probably let me go in returning of a something. I'd strike a deal and walk out.

It was Saturday today, and I was getting ready for Andrew's place. I usually didn't ask my parents' permission for visiting my friends' house, specially on weekends. If I had started telling them every time I went out, they'd be pissed.

I carelessly ran my fingers through my hair and put on a leather jacket. Then I checked for Madison's dog tags. After making sure I was wearing it safely, I was ready to leave.

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