My Wrist Hurts

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"First day of job! I'm having a panic attack, help me." Madison shrieked in my ears. 

"Calm down, its gonna be okay. Look at Ariana, its her first day too. She's not worried." I said looking at Ariana who was writing something in her copy.

"What are you writing?" I asked her.

"Making a list of the things to do when we reach our home. The new one, considering thats where we're going after school." She replied.

My two best friends were moving in together and even though I wasn't going with them, I felt my own life changing. After school, as Madison had told me, they would be going to the new apartment, and Haily will be waiting for them. All their clothes and other smaller items would have already been kept, they would just need to set it up.

Ariana came to school with her own scooter, yeah she could drive. I was learning and Madison was scared of busy roads so she needed a driver. Those two would be going home together. Madison had to reach the cafe at five in the evening and Ariana was going to drop her there, and go to the studio. Ariana's work hours were from six to nine, and as both their works ended at nine, they could go home together.

Me? I was going to reach the cafe to meet Madison at around 5:30 and then I would go to the studio at 6:30. Madison and Ariana were trying so hard to keep me involved, it was so sweet. But I knew we couldn't keep this up for long. I mean, both of them were gonna be so busy now. They had to manage their studies, jobs... 

"Mrs. Stilton is here." May came to us as usual and informed. I hung my head and went towards my seat with Lila, but to my delight, she wasn't there.

"Is she absent?" I wondered happily just as my eyes fell on Adrien talking to a girl dressed in bright pink. That was Lila, trying to impress him.

I had completely forgotten about Adrien for sometime. The way he talked to Lila made me wanna slap him. She was desperately touching him whenever she could and he didn't seem to have a problem with it. And he winked so much! 

Mrs. Stilton wasn't here yet, I looked at Andrew. Much simpler, calm and content. He was talking to Parker of course. For a second, he looked at me and smiled. I looked away. Don't look at me...

"Good morning class, please go back to your places!" Mrs. Stilton entered and announced. Lila came to our seat and glared at Adrien as he walked past Madison and waved at her. Madison waved back because she was polite enough. Soon enough, the period began.

"I've got a warning for you, Samuels." Lila said, "if you and your little friends don't stay away from Adrien, it won't be good."

"If they're so little, why don't you go and tell them yourself? Or are you too afraid?" 

"I'm definitely not afraid, Samuels. I just don't want to look at that back-stabbing friend of yours. And her wannabe chick sidekick of course."

I would've completely ignored her if she had said something about me but she took the next step. She commented on my friends. Thats not good.

I took a deep breath, "Madison didn't stab you, you hurt her. You should be grateful she chose to forget that or you would have had to leave the city. And Ariana is not a wannabe chick, you are. If you think wearing pink will impress anyone, why are you single, even friendless? If you think wearing extra perfume will hide your rattish smell, you're so wrong." I finished. Madison would be proud.

"I- I swear to God, you're crossing your line. Wait and watch."

"Do you think she cares about some stupid line you drew?" Madison's voice came from behind me as I hid my smirk. I hadn't noticed Mrs. Stilton leave the class, "Next time you think of talking to my friends like that, just remember, I once slapped Jason because he hurt Anne. And I respect Jason. Wonder what I'll do to you."

Lila had no reply. Damn, she was actually scared of Madison.


School was over, I was going towards my van with Ariana and Madison. They were going home using personal vehicle so they could accompany me. 

"Ariana! Madison!" Someone called as the three of us turned around. Adrien, Andrew and Parker were walking towards us. 

"Hey!" Ariana said. She hadn't talked much to Adrien all day, maybe she was thinking about choosing Sid. I just hoped she had a choice.

"Whats up?" Madison asked. It wasn't very often these people came to talk to us. Exception, Parker and Madison talked a lot. 

"We just wanted to congratulate you guys on the new house." Andrew said. I tried not to feel upset. He basically wanted to talk to Madison and Ariana.

"Oh thanks..." Madison replied. She hadn't expected this either. 

"So, all moved in?" Parker asked as the three of them started walking with us. Honestly, it did feel new but not bad or awkward for some reason.

"Yeah, we're going there right now." Ariana replied.

"Thats so cool. Where is it?" Parker asked again.


"Andrew! How are you? Looking good, buddy!" Someone called suddenly as Andrew hung his head and tried hard to disappear into thin air.

As if by magic, my right hand moved towards his shoulder but I grabbed it with my other hand.

"Anne?" Ariana said looking at this weird movement.

"Uh, my wrist hurts..." I said as I massaged it.

Great, even my limbs were begging me to make a move.

Adrien was really quite all this time, but he suddenly cleared his throat and looked from me to Andrew. I glared at him and made him raise his eyebrows.

"My van is here, I'm leaving. Bye guys." I said and moved towards my van, thinking if Adrien noticed something he shouldn't have.

"Bye!" All of them chorused.

"Call me when you reach home," I told Madison and she nodded.

"Bye Anne, take care." Andrew waved.

I tried not to blush, "you too."



This book wasn't going to have A/N's but I needed to talk to you lovely readers. I'm so sorry for the late updates and specially for this chapter. Compared to the others, this one was, well... disappointing? I haven't uploaded in a while now, and this is me trying to get in the zone. I assure you, now I'm going to update more regularly, like once a week (I publish chapters in groups of three so three chapters per week), and as I keep writing, the quality of chapters will get better. Also, if anyone has any suggestions for the name of this chapter, do tell me. Thank you so much if you'rereading this. If you have any suggestions or questions for me, feel free to comment and/or DM me!

-InfiniTAE 🖤

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