Store Incident

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"You're leaving for the store?" Madison asked, looking up from her laptop. Apparently, she was doing some school project on it. I gulped, thinking if it was an important one because there was no way in hell I was gonna do it.

"Yeah. How do I look?" I turned on my toes and shrugged.

"You look like someone who's going on a date." Madison grunted.

"Pefect! Now, is Lex coming over?"

"Probably." Madison said, her eyes darting back to the laptop's screen. She began typing furiously and I huffed.

"Nice. He will be able to... entertain you." I winked, "Mr. Hot Musician looks like he would."

Madison kept typing but spoke without looking at me, "would you stop calling him that? Sounds very cringy."

"Whatever, Mads. Just have a good time. I'm leaving now. Bye!" I jumped and grabbed my scooter's key. The helmet was probably going to mess up my hair but that didn't stop me from putting it on. Safety first, kids!


Reaching the general store in a few minutes, I took of the helmet quickly.

"That thing was squeezing my brain..." I complained to myself and went inside. Making a mental note of all the items I was going to buy, I moved towards the snacks isle.

Marshmallows, chocolates, chips, there was so much but to my bad luck, my budget was low. I could only take some snacks, I had to spend the money on more household items.

Kids. Adulting is hard. You get your own money and thats pretty cool but knowing how to spend that money in a better way is dumb. You can't buy your favourite food items with it! You have to buy toiletries. Cleaning equipment, household items. It is fun when the money balancing doesn't kick in.

Picking a few items from some isles I moved towards the other side of the store, hoping to buy some sodas or at least energy drinks. As I was passing the fruits isle, I felt like I saw a familiar face from the corner of my eyes. I made a quick turn and almost tripped realising who it was. And familiar was a small word for that person.

Sid Myster was casually drumming his fingers on a bag of flour kept in front of him. He picked it up and looked at the price. Then laughed (probably in sarcasm) and put it back. Noticing every single detail about his gestures and movements, I was completely still. His sharp jawline looked so devilishly handsome, going perfectly with his straight nose and high cheekbones. Everything about his features was sharp, expect for his eyes which were warm brown. I realised I was doing the staring thing again.

"Ariana, this could be it! He is here with you and you are not in school, he can see you as more than a junior here. You have to make an impression on him right now!" I gave myself a quick little pep talk and rushed to check my reflection on a glass surface.

I was wearing a cute white sleeveless top with light blue denim jeans. My hair was tied in a high ponytail, showing off the huge rings I was wearing in my ears but you know what they say, long hair can attract any guy (I don't know of someone actually says that though). I quickly pulled out the rubber band from my hair and brushed the mess with my hands untill it looked silky and beautiful. Tucking my hair behind my ears (still had to show the rings), I applied chapstick on my lips. Lovely. Carefully taking all my items to the billing counter, I saw him approach my way.

Holding my breath, I looked ahead. I didn't want him to catch me looking at him this time. He joined the line at the counter, just behind me. I was never nervous around boys but there was something about Sid. He was mature in a commanding way, he was intimidating (and hopefully not dating). He was a guy I seriously wanted to date though I'll admit the thing that attracted me to him was his face. I noticed his aura afterwards.

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