New student

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I was early again. The class was almost empty, there were barely five students besides me. I was eagerly waiting for my friends. Madison had just gotten a job yesterday, and same went for Ariana. Now they were going to move in together.

Did I feel left out? Yeah, I did. Did I blame them? Definitely not. It wasn't their fault that my parents did not want me to live on my own right now. My friends did everything they could do to keep me included, today I was going to help them move some stuff.

I was staring out of the window when someone called my name. I turned around and saw Parker.

"Hey Parker." I actually wasn't surprised. Parker often came to talk to me if both of us were early to class. I did find it weird, I was good friends with Parker while I had this crazy crush on his best friend.

"Hey!" He said, cheerfully walking towards me.

"How are you?" I asked.

He twitched his nose like I had asked the wrong question, "It's hard to believe this is my last week in this school..."

"Yeah, that goes for everyone. We'll miss you."

"Mhm, yeah." He looked outside too.

Just then, I saw Andrew enter the class. Automatically, my shoulders squared and I stood upright. Parker noticed this sudden change in my posture (and probably colour), and looked at Andrew. Clearing his throat, he shifted a bit and said, "I'll talk to you later, Anne."


Ariana and Madison were standing with me near the window. Ariana was chewing gum while Madison had her earphones plugged in. She always listened to songs while talking to anyone. We were talking about Parker leaving, that made everyone upset. Ariana had once whispered to me that she hoped Madison got along with Parker, he was one of the rare guys Madison genuinely liked.

"I feel bad for Andrew though... He doesn't have many friends and Parker is leaving." Madison said.

"Yep... Parker deserves more popularity than Andrew." Ariana added. I could tell her mind was elsewhere, what she said had nothing to do with anything.

"What are you thinking, Ariana?" I asked.

"I know the two of you will grunt as soon as I tell you what I'm thinking about. But anyway, I'm thinking about Adrien and Sid."

"Wait, wait, wait. Who the hell is Adrien?"

"Some guy." Madison said as if it was enough to explain (and it kinda was).

Then Ariana filled me up with everything that had happened at the studio yesterday.

"So what are you gonna do? Adrien or Sid?" I asked.

"I wouldn't have bothered choosing between two boys but this time, there's actually no point thinking about Adrien. Sid goes to my school, Adrien is just some guy who probably won't even think about me... He doesn't come to his father's work place much. What are the odds that I'd run into him again?"

"Students!" We heard Mrs. Stilton enter the class suddenly. We were shocked and couldn't even go back to our places.

"I know the period hasn't begun yet, but the new student is here," she looked the class door, as if waiting. Within a few seconds, a tall boy with blonde hair and green eyes entered the class. A lot of girls started coughing suddenly and Ariana yelped, "Oh my God!"

He walked in confidently and stood in front of the class.

"It's him! Adrien! Oh my-" Ariana began but the guy's eyes fell upon her. He narrowed his eyes, trying to remember why Ariana seemed familiar.

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