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"How was day four of survival mode?" I asked.

"Dreadful," Madison cried. Her hair was a mess and her eyes were drooping.

"What are you talking about? It was amazing!" Ariana flipped her hair and commented.

"I wish I was with you guys... It must be so fun!" I said.

"It would have been helpful if you were there, all Ariana does is dance around the house." Madison complained.

"Hey! I helped with dinner, I pick up and drop you literally everywhere. Its not gonna work with that attitude." Ariana protested.

Madison and Ariana continued to play the blame game like an old married couple, while my eyes fell upon the class door. A very upset Parker walked in and many people rushed towards him. Andrew was one of the last people to do so, maybe he was still unable to accept the fact that Parker was leaving.

"Guys..." I said sadly, making Madison and Ariana stop talking. Madison was the first one to realise what was going on. She quickly got up and ran towards the people who were huddled around Parker. Ariana and I followed.

"Excuse me, coming through," Ariana said, squeezing between people.

"Guys, let him sit." Andrew said with a broken voice and my heart ached. I hated seeing him this upset, I wanted to do something, anything, to make him feel better but I also knew all my efforts will be in vain.

Minutes later, the class got somewhat settled and Madison, Ariana, Adrien and I sat on the benches around Parker and Andrew's seat. Ariana and I sat together, so did Andrew and Adrien. Madison sat next to Parker. We were suddenly closer now, maybe because of Adrien. He was friends with Andrew and Parker but also kept in touch with us (when I say "in touch", I'm being generous. He got really sticky sometimes).

"Can you guys come to the Airport today, at 4? My plane leaves at 4:30, I kinda wanna be with you before I go." Parker asked.

"Of course, man. I'll come." Adrien said. I knew Andrew was going, it went without saying. I was pretty sure my parents will allow me to come IF Madison and/or Ariana come with me. I was never allowed alone with boys.

"I'll come too. I'll have to leave as soon as your plane does because of my job but... I'll be there." Madison said, grabbing Parker's arm encouragingly but he kept staring at his feet.

"Me too." Ariana added. If they were going then was gonna get permission too. I nodded my head and told them to count me in.

Mrs. Stilton thankfully sensed the class' dull mood and allowed us to sit with our friends for a day. That worked for us, we wanted to scrape off all the possibilities of being with Parker for today. May caused some problems but in the end we managed to make her sit with Paige (who agreed after a lot of pleading too). The last three benches of the last row were occupied by the six f us. Naturally, Andrew and Parker sat together, Adrien and Ariana gladly agreed to share a seat and I kept my bag with Madison's. Most of us weren't last benchers but today, none of us felt like being at the center of the class. The classes began, and so did the countdown.


School was over. All of us were headed towards our vehicles. You might be surprised but the six of us had become really good friends in just four to five days, probably because we were never strangers. Except Adrien, the five of us had always known each other and cared about each other in a friendly way.

"I'll see you guys at four. Take care." Parker said and sat on his bike. He quickly wore his helmet, I got the feeling he was trying to hide his face.

"Yeah, bye Parker."

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