Bad Vibes?

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"Ariana! Wake up!"

"Hmmm? Coming, mom!" I stirred.

"Haha, very funny."

I squirmed my eyes, trying to understand what was funny before realising I was at my house and this was not my mother, this was Madison.

Seriously, I had been living here for a while now, but sometimes I still forgot. Like the time when I got a part of my salary cut because I was late, that made me realise yet again that this is real. I was half used to this lifestyle, but sometimes it still dawned on me that my life was very different than what it had been a while ago. While it felt like I had been living with Madison for years, it felt like just a few moments at the same time.

I got out of bed and went outside where Madison was making breakfast. Her hair was fizzy as usual, and she was in a hurry. The kitchen was messy.

"What are you doing?"

"We're late. Look at the time! Why didn't you wake up?!" She said, still fiddling in the kitchen.

"Do you realise how much you sound like our mothers right now?"

She paused but then sighed, "its also something else, okay? Get ready, I'll tell you everything when we have breakfast."

The serious look on her face made me grow concerned, the shadow on her face darkened and eyebrows were knit together, as if in stress.

"Okay..." I said. She said she'd tell me when I was ready, so no use pushing her now.

While brushing my teeth, changing my clothes, I wondered what this could be about. My head naturally went to Ben. That guy... was really something. I wasn't insensitive, but I had to admit to myself, Ben seemed unrealistic. I mean, not just his looks, his behaviour too. Like a very cliché villain. The kind of villain I always thought to be really hot in the movies. But now that my best friend was actually on this guy's radar, things actually seemed scary. I had always blamed the lead for picking the good guy instead of the handsome villain, but now I understood the seriousness of it.

If not Ben, then this could be related to Lex too. What if she had a fight with him? When, I didn't know. The two texted each other all the time, maybe then. But that didn't seem very likely to me. Maybe some issue in school, or something related to the band...

"Alright, what is it?" I said, sitting down for breakfast.

Madison bit her lip. She did that whenever she had to talk about something she didn't want to talk about. Then she pursed her lips and sighed.

"Its not a big deal. Maybe I'm overreacting. Lex texted me yesterday, he was at his parents' place for dinner. They had an argument."

"Oh. About what?"

"I don't know. He didn't tell. He didn't respond when I asked, nor did he pick up my calls." She looked disheartened.

"Well, you're not overreacting. Lex always replies to your texts or calls so I guess it could be something serious," I said, with no intention of scaring her. I was just telling her my honest thoughts.

"Exactly. That's why I wanted to reach school early, so that I could have some time to talk to him. Hopefully, he'll be there."

"Well then, chop chop! We have to reach school asap!" I said, making her smile.


Madison got off the scooter before I could pull the breaks. I quickly parked it and rushed after her.

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