"Never.", the brunette courageously replies, with her more authoritative partner agreeing wholeheartedly.

"Suit yourselves."

After Natalia ends the conversation she throws her hands out of her pockets and jerks them forward; forcing the sleeves of her leather jacket to roll a bit higher up her arm. Then she allows her body to relax into the stance position; alarming her prey. They easily took no time to make up their minds and charge towards their enemy about two feet away from their initial location.

But it all changed when they made contact with Natalia who hand-jacked the short brunette in the side throat and occupied herself with dealing with the blonde. She quickly grabbed the blonde's wrist, pulled it backwards, allowing gravity to push the swinging body forward; past Natalia's back, before it came to a stop with the blonde's head being forced into the empty sink and her arm being jerked backwards.

"Give up now?", Natalia asks; adrenaline pumping through her veins as she anticipates the next move she would deliver to her opponent.

Natalia served a hard knee in her ribs before tossing her to the side and looking down at the two aching bodies while she pulled out her small revolver from behind her back and aimed it at the blonde.

"What does Kalvan-Kalaven-", Natalia stumbles over his name before the blonde corrects her and she proceeds, "Yes, him. What's he want from me?"

"Why would I tell you?", the blonde cockily responds.

"What's your name?", Natalia asks after taking a quick peek at the gasping brunette still sprawled against the floor.

"Avery.", the blonde responds after a short pause.

"Well, Avery, if you don't then I'll live up to that Winter Fury monster you all know me as."

Before Avery could jump up and tackle Natalia to the ground, the revolver's small bullet pierced through her left shoulder blade; slamming her against the wall in shock.

"Now , I'm going to ask again...What does Kalayavan want with me?"

Natalia had looked over her shoulder just in time to block an incoming neck injury from the short brunette and took it as her chance to take her as hostage in hopes of getting an answer from the blonde. She grabbed the incoming hand, pulled it forward, pushed the body forward until it hit the stained floor of the bathroom, twisted the arm backwards, while pressing her knee against the brunette's spine and aiming the gun at the back of her head.

"What does Kalayavan want?!", Natalia about yells; already out of patience.

"Shoot her for all I care.", she scoffs; tears pouring down her brunette allie's face while she occasionally yelped in pain when more pressure would be applied, "Professor Kalayavan taught us Power, Pain, No mercy...and so far, it's saved our asses from killers like you!-"

The blonde had just begun her ascension back up when it was quickly forced back down as her body collapsed to the floor, blood gushing out the center of her head after another bullet was fired from Natalia's revolver. Natalia gets off the brunettes back; backing up slowly while aiming the gun at the slowly rising brunette.

"What does Kalayan want from me? Just...answer the goddamn question and you'll have my word that I won't shoot-", Natalia begins before the body slowly turns around in a robotic form and begins talking as if it were being mind-controlled.

"Natalia Petrova, this is Professor Kalayavan speaking...", the brunette says, attempting to hold up her body as her eyes fix on Natalia who was lowering her pistol in curiosity, "It was about time we met again-"

"What do you want-", Natalia cuts in before the body-controlled brunette cuts over her in a scream.

"Don't!-Don't...cut over me when I'm giving my speeches. You have missed your opportunity to meet me on the Pier as Dean had offered so your speech time is cut short but so is Beatrice's. So, I'll make this quick...if you want answers...play the USB Lenonardo gave to you.",with that said the brunette; known as Beatrice, collapsed on the floor as she angrily clawed at her head before looking up at the contemplating Natalia.

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