25.| Ringing Shots

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"Stay where you are or he dies.", Keith darkly threatens as he repeats what he had been saying in his memory; clearly not realizing what he was saying since most of his attention was still fazed into his past.

"I'm going to ask one more time...back off.", Denim orders, finally fully bringing Keith out of his flashback and forcing him away from the struggling petite man who had collapsed on the floor, "Back against the wall, left arm out."

Keith had just taken two large steps and his back was already pressed against the wall. Denim cautiously reached out for Keith's arm, pulling it towards the ring on his index finger before Keith froze it tensed; glaring at Denim blankly.

"I promise the only thing it'll do is calm you down.", he explains, suddenly injecting it into the opposite side of Keith's wrist; successfully piercing into one of his veins before pulling it away from the unfazed skyscraper.

Within two seconds the shaking Keith had been experiencing had stopped and he suddenly felt relieved after the memory faded out of his mind. Denim exchanged Keith's pistol with his own full-rounded revolver; sliding it into his hand.

"We're leaving. And you would all do well to not follow us.", Denim advises clearly after backing up and making his way out the door.

It only took two shots from Denim's revolver now in Keith's hand; one in the head and one in the chest and Santiago's death was confirmed. Keith followed Denim out the door of the backroom into the alley where they encountered Alek prepared for his role in eliminating the rest of the bodyguards.

"Sensors picked up car motions, more are on their way. Someone in there alerted them.", Alek informs Denim after Keith shuts the door.

"Crap, should've just had all of you go in there at once. Oh well, eliminate them as soon as possible and retreat the moment more come.", Denim orders Alek.

"Right. The only problem-"

"Suspects arrived. I need backup.", Natalia's voice is heard through all the three member's earpieces.  

"They shouldn't stay too long but whatever you two do, return to base as soon as all the remaining individuals from this room are killed. Keith and I will be awaiting your arrivals."

With the order out Denim spins on his heels; followed by Keith, as the both make their way down the short alley before loud shots are overheard through the earpiece. Alek entered the building and also started firing; that's when Keith began to slow his pace, suddenly realizing Natalia was straining from being choked not firing shots.

Denim and Keith had safely escaped the small marketplace and were now busily hiking their way up the steep hill covered in wet grass from the remaining fog. His hands were dragging by his side, hitting the taller wet grass strands as he continued to fight the thought of helping Natalia out.

"Looks like we've caught ourselves a prize.", a faint voice ridicules from Natalia's earpiece, "Oh, none other than a Doc's little monster."

It was as if he could feel the distress in Natalia's straining and that's when he once again disobeyed Denim. He took off as fast as he could; running down the grassy hill sprinkled with dewdrops. Keith could feel light droplets moistening his face, but the cool relief came to an abrupt end after he reached the bricked roads, one street away from all the action.

"Keith, return to base immediately!", Denim orders after noticing Keith's disappearance.

Keith was about to argue his departure but the moment Natalia's earpiece buzzed off, his tongue took it upon itself to remain silent. While his heart raced wildly, unsure of how to respond positively. He removed the earpiece and threw right through the open gaps of the sewer, into the filthy water.

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