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Patton's POV

I sighed as I sat at the end of Logan's hallway. I didn't know how to feel. Remus and Dee had always been the bad guys, just like Axel. That's what keeps the balance. If they aren't the villains anymore, does that mean Thomas is more likely to become bad, or would he be good because of the lack of negativity? I can't wrap my mind around it, I can't explain it. It all felt like so much, on top of everything else that seemed to be going wrong. I rested my head on my knees as I was sitting against the wall, when someone walked over and sat next to me. 

"I know all of this is a lot to process" Deceit said softly as he looked at me with soft eyes. I didn't look back at him. 

"I just....I don't understand. How could I have been misguided? You did you two just...change?" Deceit sighed as he watched me. 

"You were just trying to protect Thomas, but greed got in the way of that." I stiffened. 

"Greed? I have never once been greedy."

"But you have, for your perfect version of Thomas. How you wanted him to be, without any evil or bad whatsoever. You were so focused on that, you didn't see the people you were hurting." Deceits voice was soft, gentle, like a parent trying to explain to a small child what they had done wrong. I scoffed and stood. 

"I don't care what you say, I don't believe you. I was never, and will never be greedy" I then turned on my heels and walked away as I shook my head. He had no right to treat me like that, or say such lies after what we all just went through. I knew they would always be the villains, trying to always get their way. I wasn't going to fall for it.

Deceit's POV

I sighed as I watched Patton go. Of course he wasn't going to believe me when I told him he was being greedy. To him, it was impossible for him to be greedy because he was an angel. I sighed and forced myself up as I headed back to my hallway as I kept my head down. When I reached my room I closed the door and flopped on the bed, pulling my snake close to me as I wrapped it around my arms. I huffed and tossed my hat to the side when it was pushed off of my head by the pillow. I closed my eyes as I curled up a little, clutching the snake tightly. I was so lost in my thoughts, and trying to avoid them with sleep, that I didn't hear Emile appear on his bed.

"So we're starting sessions again I guess?" He asked gently with a smile, notebook in hand, as I jumped and pulled the snake closer.

"Jesus..." Then I sat up as I looked down and gently tugged at the stuffed snake. "But I guess you're right." Emile shifted so he was facing me as he crossed his legs. 

"So, what happened this time?" he asked softly as he opened his notebook and tilted his head to the side. I bit my lip as I tugged at the snake again. 

"Patton....he won't listen. Because of that, I know he'll never see me as anything but a villain. So I just need a way to get rid of how I feel about him. Then I'll be alright again." I said as I smiled a little and Emile huffed. 

"Now what have I told you about pushing away your feelings?" He asked as he looked at him.

"I know I know.." I muttered with a huff. "But what else am I supposed to do? He hates me, thinks I'm trying to poison Thomas's thoughts and ways of doing things. It's pointless. All of it is. I wish I could just be numb like Logan" I looked down as I tucked my knees to my chest and rested my chin on my knees as I looked down. 

"Now Dee, don't cry, and don't think like that" He said softly as he reached out wiped away tears that I didn't even realize was running down my face. I closed my eyes as I shook my head. 

"It would be easier that way. I wouldn't have these stupid feelings, and I could stop worrying Patton, since I would just leave him alone." I then felt tight arms wrapping around me and pulling me close. I instantly buried my face in Emile's chest as I started to cry. He held me close as he pet my head and cooed to me softly. 

"I know Dee, I know. It's gonna be okay, he'll see you for you truly are one day." He said gently as I clung to him tightly, shaking slightly as I tried to calm down. I took a few deep breaths before I was able to calm down. I sighed and looked at him with soft eyes.

"You're kind Emmy, but I'm just not as hopeful as you." I said as I wiped my eyes and sighed with a gentle smile. 

"Just give it time, you'll see." he said as he gently ruffled my hair. "Now, anything else been bothering you?"

"I just don't know what to do with Axel" I sighed as I looked at my stuffed snake. "I'm worried he'll hurt everyone else."

"Well you and I both know why he's in the state he is. Maybe you and Virgil should talk to him." 

"He tried to control Virgil last time." Deceit huffed.

"And you'll be there to protect him this time. Just try and talk him through how the system, and his role, works. Help him learn it, then you'll be able to see his true colors." I thought about it for a moment before nodding. 

"Yeah, I guess you're right. Thanks Emmy, I really don't know what I'd do without you." 

"I'll always be here for you Dee, no matter what." Then he was gone. I sighed as I laid back on my bed and gently pet my snake. 

"We'll help Axel first, then I'll see what I can do about telling Patton how I feel" I said softly to him as I held the stuffed animal close to my chest before closing my eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2020 ⏰

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