Let Him Go

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Remus's POV

I became worried when I saw that Axel wasn't in his cell. I teleported back to the light mind palace. 

Lo?!" I called worried. "Logan please tell me you're okay!" I yelled as I looked around quickly until Dee grabbed me and stopped me. 

"Woah woah woah. What's going on?" He asked as he held my shoulders as I looked at him panicked.

"Axel got out. He's not locked up like he's supposed to be." I said in a higher tone then usual. Deceit looked at me worried as he held me. 

"Okay....okay we just have to find Logan. I'm sure he's alright."  He said reassuringly as I nodded and sighed as I headed to his study. 

"Lo." I said softly as I poked around the doorframe, and my eyes widened. Logan was there, looking down at his desk, book in hand, with orange black cloudy tendrils curled around him. I slowly walked into the doorframe, and he turned, revealing his glowing red eyes.

"Well look at that little Re Re, come to pretend to be the hero." He said as he smirked, using Logan's voice. I tensed as I glared at him. 

"Let. Logan. Go." I snarled as my eyes started to glow green, making axel laughed. 

"What are you going to do? You can't hurt me without hurting your little.....toy here." He smirked as he faced me and walked toward him, letting the tendrils fade and I watched as the red glow from his eyes faded. "Come on baby" He said softly as he caressed my cheek. "You look terrified, what's wrong?" I started at him confused as I pulled away. 

"No. I won't let you ruin who I know he is." I hissed as I backed up,

"Remus, what are you talking about?" He asked softly, looking at me worried. "Please, I just want to help you."

"Let him go Axel, please. You can take me instead, just let Logan go." I begged with tears in my eyes. Logan walked toward me before he grabbed my jaw gently and kissed me sweetly, before he drove his scalpel into my chest. I gasped as I coughed, and the glowing and tendrils came back. 

"Damn, I guess you got smarter dear Remus" He purred, as he dragged me back toward the desk. "Though, I would love to see how that happened." He said with a wicked smirk, slamming me down on the table as his tendrils held me in place. I growled as my eyes glowed green. Tentacles snapped out from my back as I screamed in rage. They wrapped around his arms, one knocking the scalpel out of his hand, and a third wrapped around his waist. the free ones slashed through the cloudy tendrils holding me in place. I growled as I lifted him off the ground. He struggled hard as he glared at me, but then he started to laugh. 

"Do it" He hissed smirking. "Make him scream and suffer at your selfish hand" he hissed As he smirked at me with that crazed look in his eye. I sat up, gently caressing his cheek as I looked at him with sad, glowing green eyes.

"Baby I'm so sorry." I whispered before the tentacle slid into his mouth and down his throat. He gagged and choked, squirming in my grip as tears slid down face face. I had to focus on the task at hand, I had to pull Axel out of Logans body. I closed my eyes so I could see where the tentacle was going, guiding it toward the glow of the orange light, trying to block out his choked screaming as I silently cried. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I thought over and over again as I continued to look, until I found where he was hiding. Logans horrific sounds had, of course, brought the others, and Dee was holding Patton back, to keep him from interfering.

"That monster is trying to kill him!" Patton shrieked, as he struggled against Deceit's many arms. "He poisoned his mind against me and now is trying to take him out all together!" 

"He really isn't Patton. He's trying to help him."

"Help him? Help him?! he has a tentacle shoved down his throat! How on earth could he be-?!"

"Do you think I'm enjoying this?" I snapped as I glared at him, finally revealing the tears sliding down my face. "Do you think I like the fact that I'm choking him or making him scream like this?! Because I don't. But your yapping and yelling will only make it take longer so for the love of god shut up!" I growled. Patton was silent now, looking down and stopping his struggle. I focused back on what I was doing. My tentacle wrapped around the orange glowing cage he had connected to his spine, which was the easiest way to get to his brain, and I carefully pulled it, watching the connectors slowly snap from their hold on the bone. I hissed in pain as the ball began to heat up, but I ignored the pain, I had to save Logan. I continued the slow pulling process as I cried out in pain, the heat growing more and shooting through my nerves. Finally the last connection snapped and I pulled the cage free, quickly pulling it out of Logans body. When the tentacle was finally out he coughed and hacked as he gasped, so I carefully set him in the desk chair, while Dee put axel in a cage made for us in our global form. I panted as I slowly let the tentacles curl back into my body as I blinked slowly, trying to not focus on the dizziness or the pounding in my head from the amount of pain I had just put myself through. 

"It's okay" Deceit said softly, he and roman walking toward me. "Remus he's okay now, are you okay?" I Hummed as I gripped the desk weakly, looking over at where I had set Logan to see him softly panting with his hand on his chest, but very much alive. Thank god I remember thinking, before the whole world seemed to sway and I fell forward, passing out in someones arms. 

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