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Logan's POV

I stayed curled up with Remus for at least an hour before someone started walking down the stairs, but when I heard them stop I closed my eyes, assuming it was Patton.

"Whether or not you agree with me, you two would be cute together" A voice said, and it kinda sounds like Roman.

"Don't let Patton hear you say that, he might end up decapitating him" Remus said softly. Roman sighed in response.

"They had a fight?"

"He defended me against a comment Patton made. Then he stormed out and came down here."

"Well that explains a lot." Roman said as he walked down the stairs and headed toward the kitchen. "Patton said he and Logan were breaking up." I felt Remus stiffen slightly against me.

"Wait really? Did he say why?"

"Logan doesn't have feelings for him anymore, which is what started the fight in the first place."

"Did he say...."

"That doesn't matter" I said softy as I sighed and sat up a little. "I noticed that his behavior changed from the man that I initially fell in love with. And that was it." I sighed and stood, fixing my hair as I closed my crofters jar. "Thank you for dealing with my moment of weakness Remus, I will be getting back to work now." I then walked to the kitchen and put the jar away before heading up the stairs and back to the study in my hallway.

Remus's POV

I blinked in confusion as I watched him walk up the stairs. He thought his emotions were a weakness? I mean, I knew he struggled with handling his emotions, but I didn't realize he assumed they made him weak. He ran his fingers through his hair before looking over at  Roman.

"How Long has he seen his emotions as a weakness?"

"As long as I can remember." He said as he shrugged. So it was after the split. That might have been what caused it, because as far as I remembered Logan was very much willing to show emotion when he was Romulus's royal adviser. I sighed.

"That can't be easy for Thomas."

"The worst it's done is caused arguments between the others really. It doesn't seem to have a huge affect on Thomas." 

"How often does he feel the need to put himself before others? Or where Patton's moral side would more often than not win in an argument because Logan cannot express the importance of Thomas taking care of himself?" Roman looked at me surprised as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"Most of the time that's how it has gone."

"Well then it is majorly affecting Thomas." I got up and headed up for the stairs. "And it's about time someone fixed it." I then headed up the stairs to Logan's hallway. I slowly walked down, looking at each dor, and taking the tiime to observe how he had everyhing set up. He had his "work station" where he could easily help Thomas when he needed him. Then there was his vault of knowledge, where he stored all of the important information Thomas had learned over the years. The third door led to his room, which hadn't been used much recently since he usually spent the night in Patton's room. And finaly, I found his study, where Logan was tucked in a bay window seat reading a book. I sighed softly before I slowly walked over to Logan, and sat on the ground next to his seat.

"What is it Remus?" Logan asked as he sighed, without looking up from his book.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I asked softly as I looked at him with soft eyes.

"Why didn't I tell you what?"

"Why didn't you tell me you thought your emotions made you weak? That Patton has been running things more than you have, which is not how it's supposed to be."

"But that is how it's supposed to be, it's been working just fine this way." I looked at him with a 'are you stupid or something?' look on my face.

"You can't really believe that. You remember how it was before, when you would actually push back on some of Patton's ideas, encouraging Thomas to take take time for himself. Why else do you think Dee and I have made ourselves so present? He isn't looking afer himself and you know it-"

"Yes I do okay?!" He snapped as he slammed his book shut. "There is that what you wanted to hear?! That I am well aware I am failing Thoms in the worst way possible and I have no idea how to stop it?!" I blinked at him for a few seconds before a smile cracked across my face.

"See? That's good. Letting your emotions through to express your point." Logan looked at me a little confused as he ran his hand through his hair.

"I...I have to yell at Patton?"

"No...well maybe....depends on the situation, but that's not the point. The point is you finally let your emotions impact your words. It's not a weakness, it means you're human" I said as I smiled and he looked at his lap, but he had the softest smile on his face.

"Thank you....I guess. You didn't have to come up here to check on me..."

"Well yeah I did. Thomas needs his Logic to function. And besides, I know you care about me deep down one way or another, and I would be lying if I said I didn't care about you too." I said as I shrugged and he looked up at me, his soft eyes glowing bright with something I hadn't seen before from him. I wasn't exactly sure I knew what it was, but it was clearly there. He sat up, carefully taking my hands as he pulled me to my feet and would not break eye contact with me. I could feel my heart starting to beat faster as I bit the inside of my lip. What was he gonna do? What was he thinking? Had I made him upset with something I had said? A million thoughts raced through my head as he reached up and gently held my chin as he pulled me closer> I could feel my breath hitch, feel his breath on my lips, my heartbeat in my ears, I couldn't believe any of this was happening-

"Logan what the HELL are you doing" A high pitched, almost inrecogmizab;le voice shierked as both of us jumped apart, causing me to fall on my ass as I turned to see who was in the doorway.

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