Not as it May Seem

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Roman's POV

After shooting Thomas's video, and helping Virgil open up more, I headed back up to my room. I had some new script ideas I wanted to work on...and maybe a fanfiction or two. As I walked into my trophy room, I smiled as I walked toward the mirror and fixed my hair.

"Virgil, such a different, yet beautiful name. I wonder what other mysteries that boy holds" I hum to myself as I look in the mirror. Maybe I could slowly break down the wall he had put up around himself, and sweep him off his feet. He could be my princess, he would look so pretty with a black crystal crown on his head.

"But what about you Roman? Why would you ever want someone to compete with your power?" A soft voice cooed in my head. I looked in the mirror to see if anyone was behind me, feeling confused and a little terrified. At first, I didn't see anything, I figured I had imagined it, but then a figure appeared out of the shadow with a smirk right behind me. I gasped and looked at him in fear.

"Who are-" Before I could even finish my question, a yellow gloved hand wrapped around my mouth shutting me up. He stepped into the light right behind me as he tilted his head to the side and smirked, my eyes widening. Half of his face was covered in scales, the eye on that side yellow and snake like. He had a wicked smirk, and his top hat was tipped forward just enough to shade his face in a devilish way.

"Now Roman, don't go around wasting your breath on questions that you don't care about." He purred as he smirked, and two more gloved hands rested on my shoulders. I looked at him terrified, but his smirk didn't falter. "Now, what if I told you I could give you everything you've ever wanted? What if I told you....I could make you king of the mindpalace?" I looked at him wide eyed, as his hand slowly left my mouth, smirk only growing.

"Y-You can do that?" I whispered.

"Why of course" He responded as he looked at a gloved hand before glancing at me again. "Why would I ever lie to someone as cunning, and brave as you?" He said with slight sass as I watched him in awe.

"You really think that?"

"Yes dear Roman. I don't just go throwing my gift around like this. If you don't want it I can just..."

"No! I want it. How? How can I become king?" He looked at me with this wide Grinch like smirk as he turned and suddenly, above my head was another set of gloved hands holding a beautiful gemmed crown. It was beautiful, and perfect, exactly how I would have pictured it.

"Do you trust me?" He whispered, close to my ear, and as I stared at the crown in the mirror I slowly nodded. "Then I need you to say a simple phrase for me, and all of your dreams come true. Can you do that?" I nodded again as my eyes were sparkling in awe. "Just say 'I give myself to you, Deceit' then all your dreams, wishes and longings come true." I barely even processed what he had said as I continued to look at the crown. It felt like I was in this out of body, trance, and I barely had any control over anything.

"I give myself to you, Deceit" However, as I said it my brain realized what his name was, who he was, and what he did. My eyes widened as I looked at him in the mirror and his smirk was evil as he laughed and that snake tongue flicked out at me.

"Thank you, my King" He taunted, and before I could say a word, I felt tears running down my face, and when I focused I realized they were yellow tears. A new set of hands wiped them away as he set the crown on my head. I started to panic, but I was losing control over my body, he was taking over. "Now then, you will help me get him back, right where he belongs. And, you'll be the one to hurt him, to watch him realize how twisted you all really are." He hissed and my eyes widened when I realized who he was talking about. Virgil....was a darkside? He....he was one of them, like my brother? "Ooooo I'm gonna feed off of that"

"No...Virg-" But then I couldn't speak.

"Oh my dear King, you don't feel for him. You hate him. He lied  to you, and Patton, and Logan, and even Thomas. He was invading your perfect little circle all because he felt like leaving Remus and I" I tried to shake my head and force out his control, but I watched as my own eyes narrowed and a frown formed on my face.

"He's trying to replace me, push me out" I growled and Deceit smirked.

"Yessssss" He hissed " He wants your place Roman, how could he think he could ever replace you, the mighty royal Prince Roman?"

"KING Roman now" I said coldly as I lifted my chin and turned, walking out. My heart was breaking out of fear and anger because I knew whatever Deceit was going to make me do, was going to crush Virgil. He was so scared and fragile, the last thing he needed was for me to be more of an asshole than I already was. I was walking down the stairs, and as I reached up to wipe away the last tear, I realized it was still yellow, Deceit was inside of my head, my body. He was me, and I couldn't do anything about it.

Deceit's POV

I laughed once Roman had headed out of the room as I spun happily.

"So weak, what does Virgil even see in him?" I said to no one as I looked into the mirror. "This is going to hurt him, but it's the only way he'll learn. They only care about themselves, not Thomas and certainly not us. If they even considered us Roman would have recognized me, and wouldn't have instantly thought of the term darksides." I sighed and I heard Remus laughing. "I told you this would work, but I don't know what state this'll leave Virgil in, so be ready for anything" Then I turned and walked out of the room and toward the stairs, to watch my little puppet show our stormcloud exactly how harmful a lightside could be.

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