Words, Just Words

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Virgil's POV

I was sitting in the living room with Logan, who was reading a book but he had a comforting arm around me. I snuggled close and had turned on a documentary about the dark depths of the ocean. Because of this, Logan was going between the book and the TV, curious by both. Patton was in the kitchen, making dinner for us as he hummed happily, as Roman came down the stairs. I turned to give him a smile, but when I turned and looked at him, my entire demeanor changed. He was clearly different, he was wearing a very big crown, and his prince attire was black now, not its usual white. But that's not what I noticed first, Roman looked angry, cold, distant.

"Roman....are you-"

"Shut up, Emo Nightmare." He spat. "I really don't think any of us need your depressing bullshit, we've been exposed to enough of that today." I sat back a little shocked and Patton let out a gasp as he walked out of the kitchen. Roman ignored him and walked right to me and grabbed my jaw, pulling me to my feet in front of him. He was much taller than I was, so it was attractive, but in that moment, it was kinda terrifying.

"I-I don't...."

"It doesn't matter what you think." He said coolly "Do you really think you could let it slide past us, let us just think you came from nowhere, think I wouldn't remember the day I found you. I put you there because that's where you belong, so you should have stayed there with my brother" he spat, and I couldn't help but let out a gasp. I felt my heart crack at his words as I looked up at him terrified.

"You....you think I'm just like them?"

"You are! All you do is hurt Thomas, you make any task physical impossible for him to complete, and you're always telling the rest of us why our ideas are wrong."

"I've been trying to protect all of you! I've been trying to warn you all about how easy the dark sides can take control. But do you listen, no. Instead Deceit possessed Patton and you now start spitting shit about your brother. How do I know you're not just Remus?" He smirked and leaned close to me as his eyes glowed a bright reddish yellow.

"Because...if I was my brother, I wouldn't see the way you feel for me." I stiffened and my eyes widened as I looked at him with a blush "That's right, little Panic! at the Everywhere, I know how you feel about little old me. However I also know that you're trying to use me, to get my crown and my castle and my riches."

"Why would I want any of that?!" I asked as tears formed in my eyes "All I want is for you to see me for WHO I AM! I just want you to love me." I pulled out of his grip and looked down as eye shadow filled tears slid down my face. "Your brother was right...you're an asshole who only cares about himself, no one else. If your not happy, then you make sure no one else is." As I was looking at the ground I felt him stiffen slightly, and there was a twitch that made me look up. For a split second when I looked into his eyes I saw guilt and pain and worry, but it was gone just as quick as it had come.

"You should just run back to that horrible slut, and two-faced snake boy. Maybe then Remy will follow you, and we can have peace." I backed away from him, in tears about to sick out and head back to the dark sides and never return, when Logan did something that shocked me into silence. He hugged me. And I mean full on tight arms wrapped around me and holding me close as he comforted me hug. I melted into him and started to sob once I had shaken off the shock of Logan showing feeling, as he gently rubbed my back.

"That is quite enough Roman, I don't quite know what has gotten into you, but it is unacceptable to treat Virgil this way." I heard Roman growl, and it sounded like he was gonna say something before he groaned in pain, and I heard Remy talking in a soft voice.

"I know it hurts I'm sorry, it's the only way to help you." I looked up with tears running down my face, and my eyes widened when I saw the yellow leaking from his eyes, and nose and mouth. I gasped softly as I sat up and watched him. Deceit had been controlling him thus whole time, made me think that Roman hated me. But did that mean....Roman now knew what I was? I looked back down at the ground and closed my eyes before I pushed off the ground and ran up to my room.

Roman's POV

I let out a groan as Remy yanked Deceit's control out of my brain as I clutched my head, and when I came back to my surroundings, I could hear Virgil running upstairs crying.

"No...Virgil" I pushed myself up and gave Remy a nod before running after him with worry. I heard his door slam as I reached the top of the stairs and I slowly walked toward his hall, listening to the pounding of heavy metal music coming from his room. I sighed as I walked up to Virgil's door and placed my hand on the wall, slowly turning the music down as I changed the song to The Next Right Thing From Frozen 2. I heard him make a small sound of confusion before I heard him singing along softly. After two versus he stopped and said.

"Open the door instead of being a creeper Princy." I blushed and opened the door, looking at the ground when I walked in and closed the door behind me. I heard him gasp softly and I look up, to see him looking at me with a little concern.

"He really had control over you that whole time?" I reached up and touched my cheek, realizing there was the yellow liquid still on my face as I sighed.

"I'm sorry for whatever I said, from what he had told me before and the reaction you had throughout that point, I'm sure it wasn't pretty." Virgil looked down again and I started to walk toward him.

"How much did he tell you exactly?" He asked nervous, and I sat next to him.

"Well, he told me that you were one of them, which I vaguely knew already, but you're more of a middle side anyway, so that was wrong. And as I was being forced to leave my room, I heard his say he didn't know what you saw in me. Though I'm not really sure what he meant by that." As I was talking, Virgil seemed to relax more and more, before he was slumped over and sighing softly.

"What he meant by that was..." There was a pause, Virgil seemed to be considering something. Then he finished his thought with. "how I see you as my savior I guess, for lack of better words. Since you were the one who took me from the nothing and gave me a place to be." I smiled softly as him as I nodded.

"Well it was the least I could do, it was obvious it was hard for you." Virgil nodded and sighed, as I gently rested my hand on his back, looking at him with soft eyes. "Can you ever forgive me for the things I had said to you?" I asked and he sighed but nodded.

"Yeah, I'll forgive you Princy, on one condition." I raided an eyebrow curiously. "You have to stay here and we do what I want for the rest of the day."  

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