Fixing it

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A/N: Quick Note, what happens in this chapter with Logan and everything was IB a TikTok cosplayer (@fusionlittle) So if you know who they are or you know the concept behind it this is me giving them credit. OK thanks bye. 

Virgil's POV

"That's what you want for how I treated you under his control? Really?" Roman asked, seeming a little hesitant, which made me smirk. 

"What's the matter Princey, you scared?" I taunted and watched as he looked at me with a "offended" expression.

"How dare you assume the mighty Prince Roman, be scared by such a simple request?" He asked with a scoff. "It's just talents can be used for so many things, why waste them like this?" 

"You don't even know what I was gonna ask you to do, how do you know I'm not just gonna have you show off all of those talents in one day?" I shot back, and he paused, trying to think of another way out of this before he sighed. 

"Very well, how may I be of your assistance, Virgil?" I hummed happily as i fell back on my bed with my hands behind my head. 

"I want something caffeinated, but I'm also hungry, you think you can fix both at the same time?" I asked with a raised eyebrow. Roman sighed and chuckled a little before standing. 

"As you wish." He said as he bowed dramatically, and as he stood back up I smirked and winked at him, causing him to flush bright red and leave as quickly as possible. I laughed softly and sighed as I rolled my eyes, he knew now, I might as well have some fun with it since it wasn't hidden anymore. Maybe I'll make a move on him today, if I find the courage. I mean, he is under my command for the rest of the day, though I don't want to abuse that power like some slithery snakes in Thomas's head. I sighed and closed my eyes as I let my mind wander. 

Logan's POV

After the commotion that had been caused by Roman's ego, and lack of understanding that all Deceit does is lie, I decided I needed a break from everyone, and headed to my hallway to hide in my library. I slipped inside and locked the door behind me, waving my hand so a book flew down from the shelf and into my hand, as I sat at my desk. A soft smile crept onto my face at the comfortable silence of the room as I opened my book and began to read. I always loved getting lost in books, Patton always likes to point that out, even tough I've tried to tell him countless times you can't REALLY have feelings for inanimate objects, that's just not possible. But nevertheless, I always find my best thinking comes after a good book and some well deserved rest. I was so wrapped up in my book, enthralled with the suspense and mystery, I didn't notice the snake, slowly slithering on the ground behind my chair, or when it wrapped around the chair and pulled itself up the back. I didn't see it until it was right next to my face letting out a soft hiss. I turned and my eyes widened slightly at the sight of it, and before I could utter a word it wrapped around my neck to keep me from moving and shoved its tail in my mouth so I couldn't speak. I wasn't panicking, more trying to find where he had been hiding, and how I hadn't seen him when he walked up behind me. 

"Of coursssse" He said with the hiss in his s's. "How else do you trap a bookworm? Lure him into his most vulnerable state. Now don't worry Logan, I would never want to harm you, I just...have so adjustments that need to be made." I glared at him and felt confused at the same time. What did he mean by adjustments? It's not like he could adjust who we are. He can possess us and manipulate us sure, but he can't permanently change or derail anything about who we are. Deceit knelt in front of me and smirked  "And to think, I chose to try and use Roman  when I could have just gone straight to the most powerful side in Thomas's head." He laughed and shook his head. "I acted too quickly, didn't think it through, but now, now I am ready. Now I can remind Virgil where he belongs, all thanks to you dear Logan." He smiled as he held my chin, and I watched as the room around me twisted and swirled until we were somewhere else entirely. The room had a dark tint to it, but was still well lit, especially in the center where a surgical table sat under a bright white light. The snake slowly uncoiled itself from around me, and slithered back onto Deceits shoulders as I looked around confused. 

"What is this place? Where are we?" I asked confused as I rubbed my throat gently. Deceit smirked as he pulled me up to my feet. 

"Well we're in the Dark Palace, in your new office." I looked at him confused. 

"New office? What om earth are you talking about? You can't just expect me to be as weak and desperate as Roman, or as clueless as Patton" 

"Oh of course I could, but what if you could change those flaws the others have, make them perfect?" 

"Ha, that is preposterous, a side cannot be altered unless Thomas experiences something that alters them." 

"Well if that was true then how did Virgil become a light side without Thomas prompting the change? There's obviously something that can be done. And you're gonna do it." 

"Falsehood. It is impossible, and I have no interest in being apart of your messed schemes."

"Oh but you will be apart of them..."

"Whether you like it or not!" Remus said laughing as he picked me up from behind and carried me to the table, strapping me down. Deceit chuckled and walked toward the table as I struggled. 

"So nice of you to donate yourself for the cause. Letting us figure out how to apply the altercation before you preform it on the others" He cooed in that usual wicked voice as he tied a cloth around my mouth so I couldn't call for help, if anyone could hear me anyway. Remus smirked and pulled a small table up next to him with all sorts of crazy and random tools, causing my eyes to widen as I struggled more. He then grabbed a bone saw, and that's when I realized Deceit had been drawing a dotted line on my forehead. Remus walked over to me and started the saw as a wicked grin spread across his face 

"Now...let's get started, shall we?" 

Trapped in My Mind (Mind Experiment AU)Där berättelser lever. Upptäck nu