The Angry One

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Logan's POV

I spent the next two weeks helping him come up with different ways to get the body he wanted. Eventually we settled on a mix of DNA from a side and the stitch composition that Virgil has. 

"So, where are you going to get the DNA from?" I asked as I hummed

"From Remus when I slowly tear him apart and put him back together again over and over until he passes out." He said as he huffed. "Then I'll make my own body, give you yours back, check on Virgil and do it again." I smiled a little and shrugged. 

"Can't say I'm surprised, your anger seems to be very sensitive" 

"He hurt Virgil, and lied to me about what happened to him, so he's gonna suffer for it"

"Can I have half control? I'd like to watch" He smiled and nodded as one eye turned blue and the other orange. 

"Now then, let's take care of a certain little asshole" Then we both turned and walked out of the lab, heading down the hallway and to Remus's cell. 

???'s POV

Remus looked up with a smirk before he stiffened when he saw the two eye colors. 

"W-What the hell?" He asked backing up. 

"You think you could lie to me?" I hissed as I opened the door, catching the others attention. "Thought I wouldn't find out? Especially when this is what you made me do?" I yanked him out by his hair as he gasped and yelped as he tried to struggle against my grip, but it wouldn't do any good. 

"Ah! Wh-What the hell are you talking about?!"

"About Virgil! How you told me he was dead?! That Roman had killed him?!" Roman came to the bars confused 

"Excuse me?!" Roman scoffed "You told him I killed Virgil?! Why would you do that?" 

"He didn't want this one to leave" Logan said looking at Roman with the blue eye. "He thought he could make him hate all of us enough that he wouldn't leave. The problem was, he had already fallen in love with Virgil" Remus snarled at Logan and I but I slammed him into the wall.

"Don't worry, you'll get what you deserve." Then I dragged him off back toward the lab and strapped him to the table as he smirked. "Oh I have so many things I want to do to you darling. But first.." I walked to the back door and smiled knocking "Do you want to watch dear Virgil?" I asked , and soon the door was open as Virgil appeared at the door. 


"Do you want to watch me tear Remus apart." Virgil looked over and saw him tied t the table, and couldn't help but smirk. 

"Sure, that sounds like fun" He hummed. I smiled and took his hand, leading him over and setting him in a chair that gave him perfect view of everything I did. Remus struggled and whimpered softly as he looked at me with pleading eyes. 

"Please...I'm sorry I lied, I didn't think you would care this much and I-" I slapped him across his face 

"Oh this is for so much more than just you lying." I growled "This is for all of the pain you caused Virgil" he hissed as he grabbed the knife and dragged it over his jaw slowly. Remus groaned and squirmed as he cried out. I just laughed and dragged the blade down his chest deeply causing him to scream out in pain as he squirmed

"Stop! Please! Stop!" 

"Awww honey this is nothing" I said giggling as I left deep gashes all over his body before putting the blade down and grabbing the bone saw as he smiled and started it up. Remus cried and whimpered as he looked at him with big watery eyes. 

"It hurts! Stop Please!" 

"You pass out and it ends" I said as I smirked and started to cut into his shoulder with a smirk. Remus screamed at the top of his lungs as he sobbed and started to squirm as he tilted his head to the side. 

"Virgil make it stop please!" he begged and Virgil laughed. 

"No, I don't think so, maybe you shouldn't have tortured me when you didn't like what I thought." He said as I started to cut into his leg, causing him to scream out again, and I watched as his eyes rolled to the back of his head before he blacked out. I hummed and turned the cutter off and set it down. I put some blood into a syringe and set it to the side before I started to stitch him back up

"What do you need the blood for?" Virgil asked curiously as I finished sewing Remus up.

"It's to help Logan have his own body back so he can go back to the life he had, with his lover." I hesitated. "Just like I'm sure you want to do with Roman" I said finally before looking down. Virgil cocked his head to the side and watched me curiously. 

"Why are you doing all of this anyway?" I smiled softly and sighed.

"Because I fell in love with a boy I thought was dead, and when I did find out he was alive, he didn't even know I existed. He loved someone else who was way better than I could ever be, but they deserved to be happy" I said simply as I walked over to the other table, and let Logan start to work on my body. Virgil was looking at me with soft eyes as he slowly slid off the chair and walked toward me. 

"Y-You like me?" 

"I have since the day I was created. I used to watch you from the nowhere, and I always liked the way you would stand up to the others when they weren't thinking clearly, it helped me calm down. I mean of course that changed when Remus told me Roman had killed you, but it was nice when I had it." Virgil looked up at me mildly surprised before blushing hard. 

"Well...before you completely give up hope, maybe you should give me a chance to get to know you first, and we see what happens" He said shyly as he shoved his hands into his pockets, looking down embarrassed. I looked back at him as Logan added the finishing touches as I smiled a little. 

"Y-You really mean that?"

"Well duh. I mean look what you've done to get back at Remus for everything he did to me. I can't not give you a chance" I smiled and then Logan set down the tools and I gripped my head, eyes glowing a bright orange before there was a bright flash and a soft gasp

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