The Beginning

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When Thomas was about 7 years old he had his first anxiety induced panic attack. It was over something understandable for a boy his age, he had gotten lost at the fair. One minute his family had been there and the next they was gone. Thankfully his Logic kicked in and he was able to ask someone for help and get back to his family. However, this panic attack had created something that was going to bother him for the rest of his life, make sleeping harder and make everything he does questionable. He created me, Anxiety. And when I first woke up after the panic attack I was confused. I was somewhere dark but there was random light coming from different directions. A yellow light, a orange light, and a green light. I didn't know where I was or what they meant, what I did know what that I should probably walk toward one of them, and when I stood up all three lights consumed my vision at once, causing me to close my eyes and bend over to make the brightness go away.

"Oh good, another one" A voice said in a very thickly sarcastic tone.

"Oh would you relax, this means Thomas is falling apart again, we have more power when new ones are created." A second voice chirped with some deep malice. And a thrid voice let out a soft sigh.

"Both of you are soooo exhausting. You don't even know if he's like either of you." The voice was filled with obvious annoyance and sass. "He could be a divider, like I am."

"Right of course, because youre good and bad at the same time." The first voice said still very sarcastic.

"You know D that sarcasm wasn't necessary, you were stating a fact." The third voice said which made the second groan.

"No stop. You're sounding too much like your counterpart." He cried and the green light backed up a little.

"That's because I'm the balance. So yes I sound like him because hes not wrong....duh." The third voice responded.

"Well good for you Remy, you've found a balance. That everyone here totally cares about." The first voice responded, and I could almost here their eyes rolling.

"Well sassy sis, just because you don't care doesn't mean he won't. Because he will, when he's older." Then the orange light was gone.

"Well someone didn't have their coffee this morning" The second voice said.

"Wow really? I couldn't tell by how much he sounded like Logan" The first voice said. "I'm going to assume hes my responsibility now?"

"Yup, until he learns how to manage his purpose as a new side." Then the green light was gone and I slowly opened my eyes. Standing in front of me was a guy in all black, with a yellow trim around his jacket, and a top hat. But as I looked closer I realized that half of his face had scales, this man was part snake.

"Welcome to the dark side newbie" The snake man said as he squatted to my level. "You're totally not going to enjoy it here." I looked up at him nervously and he held a hand out to me, a yellow gloved hand. I carefully took it and he helped me up and stood with me. "Come on. You can share my room until you figure yourself out." I nodded slowly and he led me to the yellow light and I followed him as he led us to a room and a door closed behind me. Inside the room there was a bunch of different theater and snake things along the walls and on the shelves and on the bed he had. He made another one appear, a simple purple one and it made me smile a little as I walked over to it and sat down on it with a sigh as I closed my eyes. "First day was a little stressful was it?"

"Yeah. He got lost at the fair. Then some guy brought me here and I guess Thomas is safe now" The guy looked at me surprised.

"Someone brought you here? Who?"

"Yeah, it was some guy in red carried me here and I blacked out at some point between here and there." This guy looked at me slightly horrified as he walked over to me and started to scan me.

"Did he hurt you? Put anything on you? Anything like that?"

"What? No! He was actually really concerned. He was asking if I was okay and was looking at me with these soft brown eyes." I backed away from him a little. "Who are you anyway?"

"The names Deceit. And I would stay away from that guy in red. And the guys in blue. They don't like us very much."

"What? Why?"

"Because they don't like the way we protect Thomas"

"Well that's not very fair" I said as I looked up at deceit. "We care about Thomas too"

"Yeah well they don't see it that way." Deceit said as he sighed. "Especially Roman, all because his twin brother is like him but usually liked more. He always comes out more when Thomas is on a sugar high and Roman hates it."

"I'm sure that's entertaining" I said with a laugh and deceit smiled.

"Oh it is. I think you'll like it around here, though your powers might drain you a little more in the beginning." I nodded and sighed as I laid back and closed my eyes as I let my mind wander. The way they all talked made it seem like they wanted to be the only sides Thomas had, well except for that guy named Rémy. He seemed to be in between. But how could he be both at the same time? Roman and his friends probably wouldn't allow it, was that why he was down here? Or was he a spy? I didn't really know. Too much had happened in one day for me to actually focus on any of these thoughts. I just wanted to sleep. So I closed my eyes and let the stress of the day pull me into a restful sleep, however, my red savior was all that was filling my dreams and I had no idea why

Trapped in My Mind (Mind Experiment AU)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें