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So that's my backstory. You guys know the rest. Slowly I became accepted by the others and then my past started to come back to haunt me. But here's the thing, none of them know what I am. No one has brought it up and I haven't had a reason to mention it so no one knows. However whenever deceit decides to show up, he always tries his best to get me to reveal my secret in front of everyone. And it's really getting on my nerves. And then he showed up in my room.

"Hello Virgil"

"What do you want now?" I grumbled as I continued to decorate my room and he chuckled.

"What I can't come visit you?"

"With how you've been acting no you don't have the right" I said was I rolled my eyes and I kept my back to him. Deceit huffed and rolled his eyes.

"This is about your crush isn't it? You don't want him finding out" I froze and stiffened as I looked over my shoulder.

"What on earth are you talking about?"

"Roman, your red savior, I see the way you look at him. You think and hope that he'll love you one day and that your past won't matter." Deceit said as he looked at his gloved hand. "Unfortunately, if that was how all of this worked, there would be no such thing as dark sides. You have to come to understand, you, me, Remus and Remy will always be the bad guys."

"That's not true! The story doesn't have to be written like that, I can write my own path!" I said, but I was more trying to remind myself instead of convince him. He sighed and looked at me with those soft eyes, full of pity.

"Oh Virgil, did Thomas tell you that? You can't change the past, or who you are on the inside. You can't change how Roman views you either, all you can do is accept who you are as a person and move on."

"You're just mad because they trust me and don't listen to you." I growled softly as I looked at Deceit and he sighed.

"Fine, don't listen to me and get your heart broken. But don't come crying to me when Roman laughs in your face when he finds out how you feel." Then he sank out, leaving me there with my thoughts. I sighed and shook my head, walking to my bed and grabbing a small box from underneath the bed. I took off my jacket and pulled the purplish blue thread out of the box and a needle, turning to look at the velvety skin that was slipping from my form. I sighed and carefully stitched it back in place, this was one of my biggest fears, not even the dark sides knew about it, and I didn't think Roma remembered. WHen I was created in Thomas's mind I became something fragile and unwanted, so I became a fragile broken doll. When Roman found me I was falling apart, so he had picked me up, put me back together, and given me this box so I could fix myself whenever someone was able to pull me apart. I cut the thread with my teeth as I sighed and put the box away again, glancing over the different marks and feeling the ones on my legs and chest.  I sighed and finished my housekeeping as I hummed Nightmare Before Christmas songs while I did so, before heading to my bed and flopping down on his stomach. Could Deceit be right though? Was I no more than a bad guy? Just a waste of space that was only meant to cause evil? I sighed and looked at the cord that connected me to Thomas mentally.

Maybe he would just be better off without me I thought as I sighed and looked at it. All I had to do was pull it out and Thomas would be free, that was it. I tugged at it a little as I bit my lip, he would be free and happy, he didn't need me. I sighed and closed my eyes as I yanked the cord out and Thomas's thoughts stopped filling my head as I sighed. Thomas was safe now, and the others would be happier.

Roman's POV

I was in my room listening to Disney music as always when I noticed something odd. Thomas had no worry, at all. He wasn't double checking his car, he wasn't worried about when a video had to go up, he wasn't stressed about some project he had to finish, nothing. And I loved it. Thomas wouldn't shoot down my ideas anymore if he didn't have any worry, I could finally be fully creative now. I smiled as I rose into the livingroom and opened my mouth to say something, but stopped when I saw the state Thomas was in.

"Dear god what happened to you?!" I asked surprised when I saw him. He was in sweats and a t-shirt and his hair was a DISASTER. He looked at me and shrugged as the other two instantly appeared too.

"I don't know I just....didn't care" he said as he laughed and Logan was pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Oh god" Logan mumbled and as he was about to say something, Patton started to talk.

"Thomas, do you feel sick? Too warm? Too cold? Light headed? Confused?"

"Nope. I feel completely fine."

"Well you look like a train wreak" I said and then blinked confused. "Why don't I feel worried about this? Where's Anxiety?"

"That was what I was trying to explain before Patton interrupted me. Anxiety unplugged."

"Wait WHAT?!" Patton and I asked in unison as we looked at Logan. He nodded as he looked back at the two of us.

"He unplugged his cord, for whatever reason he thought he wasn't needed and broke his mental connection to Thomas. So Thomas at this moment has no Anxiety." I looked at Logan with worry in my eyes as I bit my lip.

"So....what? He doesn't have to be stressed or worried about things anymore right?" I suggested with a smile
"I don't fear death!" Thomas said laughing

"So he's super brave, that's a good thing.." Logan gave me a look and threw a laptop at Thomas who had a delayed reaction after the laptop hit him, and didn't even really realized what had hit him. "Oooo that's not good, we need Anxiety back."

"Which means we have to go visit his room. Thomas I need you to focus on the darkest parts of your mind and take us there" Thomas nodded and sighed as he closed his eyes and we all sank out

Trapped in My Mind (Mind Experiment AU)Where stories live. Discover now