Chapter 16- Reactions

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So we have been in the hospital for an hour now,and the quads and my dad are with the doctor while me and Jay are in the waiting room, waiting patiently.

"Oh God I'm tired and I kind feel sick" Jay says

" Shut up jay,what the hell are you even tired from or of and hour are you sick you where fine an hour ago" I replied

"Of this waiting room, of this hospital, you know hospitals makes me sick and I hate them they are filled of germs,disease,and sick people and trust me I can't stand sick people". Jay says dramatically

" Will you stop being a drama queen, your the reason we are here".

" Please care to explain how"

" Well if we didn't use the holy water on the quads the won't have gotten red or itchy and we won't be here" I said matter of factly.

"Well if your cousin's weren't demons it won't have affected them" he said in a duh tone.

"You still think they are demons". I asked.

"I know they are" jay says

After waiting in silence for another 20 minute the finally came out from the doctors office.

The doctor was a middle age man, maybe a few years younger than my dad. He was well built, tall, brown skin, and a styled hair.

" Hey doctor are they ok "I asked

" Are they demons" jay asked

"The are alright just be applying this cream to the red area" the doctor says

"And where did you come up with that young man" the doctor says referring to jay.

" Don't know but why did they turn red when the holy water touched them if they weren't demons" jay says

"Because they had a skin reaction to the water, the water must have had something inside or where you put the water in the first place has something inside that reacted to their skins" the doctor said smartly.

"Oh " jay says dumbfounded.

" Ha told you I am not a demon" Henry says to jay.

" Ok doctor can we go now" dad asked

"Yea your cleared,your free to go" the doctor says.


How was I supposed to know the quads weren't demons. Jeez is it a crime for a hot guy to make mistakes and the quads are taking this personal , I'm dead in fact I am deaded ( FYI I made it up it means double dead), I should just bay up and leave this place, no I need to leave planet Earth because those four are going to have a deadly revenge on me and Lyn. How I'm I going to escape this still looking beautiful as I am.

" Lyn we are so dead" I told Lyn on our way home.

" Your just being extra, we just have to hide for some couple of days" Lyn says looking scared.

" Lyn do you know your cousin's at all they might not be real demons but they are demons at heart Fyi I still don't think the doctor is right" I said matter of factly.

" Jay maybe just maybe we might survive this" Lyn says

" Do you even listen to your self ,you know your cousin's, we can't survive this, someone should kill me already" I said

" Hey kids, we are home" Uncle J says ( fyi lyns dad).

"I got to run to the office please take care" he said, before we could respond he drove off.

"Don't worry we will take care of them"

The quads says the same time.

Me and Lyn turned around saw a scary look on there faces and boom the disappeared.


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