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Addilyn POV

At school my first class is gym. Changed into the gym clothes the coach said we are playing dorge ball today. I started shaking knowing every one will team up against me again.

Like I thought everyone teamed up against me.5, 4, 3, 2, 1 ball came fast towards my face. I instantly used my hands to cover my face to shield my face from the fast impact of the ball.

As if in slow mode the balls started hitting me. Like 3 balls hit my stomach I immediately fell down covering my stomach. 3 balls hit my breast and like 5 balls hits my back and let's say all the balls hit every where.

Like 5 balls hit my head I passed out.
I woke up covered with balls.i stood up when to the locker room to change into my normal clothes.

All part of my body hurts alot I can't move. I had to force my body to move to the nurse office for some pain killers.

Walking to the nurse clinic I bumped into him ( Mr bad boy) ( Mr make me wet ) yep out of every one or any one why him.

"Watch where your going " I said

" Well soooorry grumpy much"

" Nope I just got hit with alot of balls"

" Are you okay"

" Yep I'm use to it"

"Where to"

" Well mr smarty pants why don't you guess and use your brain"

"Well there's no need being rude bitch I'm trying to be nice to you"

"Well Mr I never asked for your help and who are u calling a bitch bulldog"

"Did you just call me bulldog seriously bulldog out of everything you could call me, OMG your so funny"


"So what's your name cutie"

"Ewww never call me cutie"

"Ok what's is your name puddle"

"Eew that's even worst "

" Ok so what should I call you"

"Call me Lyn"

"Ok Lyn can I walk with you to the nurse clinic please"

" Your wrong"


"Your English is wrong"


"It is may I walk with you to the nurse clinic not can"

"Well ok may I walk with you to the clinic"

"Yes you may"


" What did you call me stupid"

"A nerd"

"FYI I kill people"

"Oh I'm scared"

"By the way can you tell me who hit you"

"Just Aiden and all the students in my gym class.

"Why do they do this to you"

"I don't know"

"Ok why do you let them do this to you"

"Because I can't fight all of them, if you can see I'm only one person"

" Then find someone who can fight for you"

"How will you do that"

"I don't know maybe make more friends"

"Trust me I have tried"

"Well try harder maybe your fighter us standing next to you"

"I dont need anybody. all I need is Jay"

"Who the fuck is Jay"

"My best friend"



We finally reached the nurse clinic and I thanked him. The nurse felt sorry for me and told the principal I need to go home which I did.

I was remembering my conversation with him. Good why is he so good looking. It Should be illegal to be so handsome I love him but I hate him.

So at home I microwave some leftovers pizza and turn the TV on I changed it to Fox watching the Simpsons I am waiting for my favorite series HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER
I love the series. After the Simpsons they showed family Guy then American Dad after American Dad it was wait for it ,wait for it,wait for it, HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER.

I love that show seriously, I'm in love with barnie,he is so cute and such a player all he knows is sex and makes stupid jokes, but he is an amazing friend.

Since today is Saturday, I will just sit home and watch lots of movies. Dad won't be home for a while so I ate dinner alone and went to bed.

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