chapter 13- lets play

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Lyn Pov

So after the twins played a prank on us ,we decided to pay them back.  It's time pay fire with fire. We decided to part ways to cover more ground,I'm staying downstairs while Jay will be heading upstairs.

Me and Jay has planned out how to prank the quads ( the prank masters). We admit we are acting childish but we need to do something to do kids and neither me or Jay is anywhere near maturity mentally. So we are going to do what we know best and that is making horrible stupid, reckless, childish decisions 👀.

So Jay is with a huge water gun and so I'm I, ha ha ha ha ha ( in plankton voice). I am walking slowly towards the guest room downstairs cause I suspect one of them will be there,well let's pray I'm right.

So I slowly opened the room door and everything look fine except for something, I'm slowly walking towards that area and I'm about to grab it before........

I heard a girly like scream from upstairs and I already know it's Jay that boy scream more than me and I'm a girl, I just hope he is safe, well for now.

I'm about to grab it before I heard Jay screaming my name from upstairs, I decided to leave it and attend to it later but first I have to save my bestie he is very important sometimes, sorry at times, sorry he is very helpful rarely.

Walking slowly upstairs making sure I won't trip on anything or trigger anything that will send me rolling down the stairs. Holding my water gun close to my chest, I opened the first door which was the first guest room,I scanned the room and the room was cleared no Jay there.

Checking the second room which was my dad room, it looks to be messed with I saw trigger wires at some places but that's not my main concern right now.

Checking the 3rd room which was another guess room it was almost clear but you I'm not going inside to find out.


I can't keep doing this jeez we have like 8 rooms here. I don't why why we live in such a big house when we are only two, it is frustrating.

Ok new plan I am going to scream Jays name and wait for him to respond. Ok let's start

JAYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!! ( IN THE LOUDEST WAY I CAN SCREAM) and then I kept quite waiting for a respond and in less than a min I heard Jay screaming my name and I followed the sound and low and behold I saw my best friend in the guests bathroom on the ground close to my cousin who was trying to shave  his brows and I did it, I took my water gun and sprayed my cousin ( just one of the quads) and guess what since what was in the water gun was holy water, my cousin scream and immediate the place I sprayed with water turned red.

Me and Jay look surprised. " I was right they are wizards" Jay said while my cousin was staring at his hands and scratching it.


Hi guys sorry it took so long to update 😭😭😭😭 I have been busy but I will make it up to you.
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